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replace the prostitutes


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There are people that are to much religious maybe he is. Im atheist myself so I understand what human/animal nature is and religious people just got boundaries on them so he are offended... maybe his surroundings I dunno anyway its not our concern.


yea I know man and was hinting at that or some other personality "disfunction" but did not want offend. Alas, the OP does not seem like he cares about being polite so neither will I then (towards him) :)


LoL immature about this? Getting these sort of answers (to this sort of a tpoic) isnt about maturity, mate, its human nature... :wink:


I have no idea why youre so uptight you want strippers out... Maybe you just feel offended by them for whatever reason, but seeing as you represent a miniscule part of the human behaviour I think this is as good as youre gonna get, sorry mate.


Reread some posts, he doesn't want no strippers, he wants topless strippers rofl. NOOO problem with that.


At least, that's what I'm getting from the "replace the chained hookers with the exposed ones..."


you're such a retard, its the name of the mesh... wow, last time I come here and ask for help


What a loss :rolleyes:

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OK, so you found the armor? On the right is a list of filenames for the models. The very first one listed, farthest top right, is the bipedal female model -- this is what the female wears.


Click on that, and a window will open up. Select a new .nif file. (If you don't have any .nif files in the file folder, then for expediency's sake, just download an armor from FO3 and use that.)


Save, and save your GECK .esp file. There's your mod. Sorry I can't be more specific, I'm on my phone, not my pc. If it's confusing then try looking up tutorials explaining how to put new armor in the game, that will get you enough base knowledge to do the replacement.


And the rest of you are silly. Maybe he has little kids, or doesn't want his wife/girlfriend to be unhappy with him looking at breasts other than hers. Whatever.

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OK, so you found the armor? On the right is a list of filenames for the models. The very first one listed, farthest top right, is the bipedal female model -- this is what the female wears.


Click on that, and a window will open up. Select a new .nif file. (If you don't have any .nif files in the file folder, then for expediency's sake, just download an armor from FO3 and use that.)


Save, and save your GECK .esp file. There's your mod. Sorry I can't be more specific, I'm on my phone, not my pc. If it's confusing then try looking up tutorials explaining how to put new armor in the game, that will get you enough base knowledge to do the replacement.


And the rest of you are silly. Maybe he has little kids, or doesn't want his wife/girlfriend to be unhappy with him looking at breasts other than hers. Whatever.


thanks but I ended up just extracting one of the other outfits and then moving it here:


fallout new vegas\Data\meshes\armor\prostitutes\prosfemale03.nif


and it worked, thanks for the .nif info though, thanks for the help!

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Maybe he has children in the same room as the computer?


Anyways, this is a legitimate request, I don't know why you all have to give him / her a hard time about it. God forbid someone have a set of morals, or want to shield his / her young children from sex.


I just ignore that particular prostitute. I don't have any body mods, waiting for a good clothed one, so she looks deformed heh heh.

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This is supposed to be an adult site no one under 14 allowed - I see several here I'm wondering about.

If you don't get it, that's a warning to at least act mature here - or I might decide you are under age and ban you for it.

Bben46, Moderator

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like I said thanks for helping me, and now people are seeing this that are actually giving me real replys, not the crap I received earlier last night, anyways thanks for all the help like I said before, and I'm sorry about the name calling, I just was fed up with the attitude I was getting from these people.
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Maybe he has children in the same room as the computer?


Anyways, this is a legitimate request, I don't know why you all have to give him / her a hard time about it. God forbid someone have a set of morals, or want to shield his / her young children from sex.


I just ignore that particular prostitute. I don't have any body mods, waiting for a good clothed one, so she looks deformed heh heh.


Somehow shooting someone's head off and see the victim bleed is better than barely naked strippers

"Hey Jimmy do not watch porn........but shoot that guy in the head"


Thats like being mad at OJ for going to strip clubs and not for the double murder

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