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Dragonage: Origins styled Templar armour


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I dislike having to request mods because it means I'm asking somebody to make something that most likely I would only use without paying them but that's that

I'd really like to see an Origins inspired set of heavy Templar armour craftable in Skyrim

I've been meaning to do a templar-style character for a while now but I haven't been able to find any armour to suit my tastes


Something http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/140/images/3256-3-1320412013.pnglike this

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It might not be exactly what you are looking for, but if you search on 'templar", there are a few armor mods that look close to the pic you shared, though they may be a bit more historical Medieval in style. Also close, but not quite the same as your pic, have you seen the excellent Knight of the Nine armor mod (slightly lore-friendly - ported from Obivion) by maty743?

Edited by ScottC12
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