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Driveable Vehicles


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I have plans to implement drivable vehicles in Mojave Wasteland similar to hardkopy's Drivable Road Warrior.

But with some changes. For example: bus will have function to enter his interior.

Model is already in work, and base on some Megaton's and truck assets.



Also, is it a good idea to make a regular traffic in wasteland? Like caravans but with passengers.

And how about reinforce outposts with battle vehicles (trucks and cars with mounted weapons)?


Anyway without NVSE this things is not really possible.

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I think traders in pickup trucks would be a good addition. You could add a gun in the bed to make a technical for a few of the factions but i wouldn't get too carried away and get into a traffic situation. I REALLY want a dune buggy type vehicle and you could easily add a weapon to that as well. A larger say 4 seater size would be cool for traders if you didn't want to reuse the pickup trucks in the game. Just something like the Navy SEALS buggy would be what i would want and it wouldn't even need the top seat unless you could have companions get in too.


Anyone remember Interstate 76 the game? I loved that game back in the day and after you destroyed another vehicle you could scavenge the parts from it to fix or upgrade yours. They had guns you could add but there were also upgraded brakes, tires etc.


I don't know anything about modeling or coding yet but i want to learn some of it. If there is anything i can do to help whether its ideas or testing just let me know. As of now i don't have much to offer on the technical side of this but am going to try to figure some of it out. Feel free to e-mail or PM me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I76 RULES (I loved that game:)

I think your getting ahead of yourselves with plans, admirable ideas of course yet hardly practical considering the gamebryo engine does not support character driven vehicles inluding true rideable mounts.


There are 2 ways to go that I know of. The first is a vehicle as an armor, and 2nd is using creature skeleton/s for locomotion. All vehicles made for FO3 to date are based upon these concepts. The road warrior Car is an armor that you put on and take off. the boats and sub use Velivs motorcycle to seat the player and a mr gutsy skeleton for locomotion.


I am still unable to get involved with modding because as yet I do not have a personal connection to the net. However, I have been experimenting various avenues and trying avoid using nvse due to it not working w/o steam beta and requiring to be connected to the steam community and I have found (or atleast uncovered) a third way which requires that the player be hidden using head motion for directing the vehicle somwhat like a remote controlled car. This is not a new idea (check out PTRobobomb mod) its a doable concept for vehicles although the camera needs to be altered to follow behind the vehicle and not stay on the player.


Another way (using nvse) is take control of a creature (vehicle) utilising halo4lifes mindcontrol mod (with permission of course. As this mod sets the camera behind the creature, allows you to control the creatures direction and utilises the creatures attack template (weaps on vehicles).


Love the model btw. hope you put em up as modders resource so I can playwith it and try to make it move.


I also loved Carmageddon :)

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I like the idea of this mod as it would be nice, to have some wheels to ride in new vegas, instead of walking everyware. Anyway if you get vehicles to work in fallout new vegas, could you please if possible put in someplace on the vehicle for the player to store his/her inventory.


Thanks :)

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  • 4 months later...
You should also add some sort of craftable car washing soap so that you can clean all of the dirt off of the cars so you can get a cleaner texture for all the vehicles. like for example, you can make naval jelly (Nuka-Cola, Mutfuit, Fission Battery) or apple scented cleaner (Fresh apple, Abraxo cleaner, laundry detergent, purified water). just a suggestion. either way, i can't wait for the mod :D
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to be realistic, only the rich and smart should have access to vehicles. I think motor cycles especially need to be usable; as there are plenty around that are in good shape; but somehow people are to stupid to repair them.


If they can fuel a vertibird, they can fuel a motorcycle. If they can build/repair a lazer-based weapon, they can repair a motorcycle... :P

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It is possible, I was making a drivable BTR a month or so ago but just had no time to finish it, if I can dig up some pics tomorrow then I will post them. As I recall the last problem I was having was making it drive level, it was driving at a 70 degree verticle angle.
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"As I recall the last problem I was having was making it drive level, it was driving at a 70 degree verticle angle. "


Is that the same angle that I often see creatures off in the distance at?.. You know.. It's really noticeable with the roaches. Or is that just my vertical sync or something?

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