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New mod in the works


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no, you shouldn't. Wait until it is done. I am making the Ultimate Ranger, and am done with exteriors, and having someone else do interior, and another do NPCs. But yea, don't upload it. If you do, someone might take it, finish it before you, upload it and call it their own, plus, it would be a pain to keep updating whenever you add a new room, just get it done then upload, that's what im doing with the UltimateRanger, which by the way will be done within the next week or so. Depending on how fast my friends work...
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About the Horse stable issue;


is it possible to script it so when you fast travel to your new home, the horse is stabled at ground level (you can have a little stable below the flying home) and if you want to manually ride it, you just teleport to the stable at ground level? unless you want to mod wings for the horse and make it fly.

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About the Horse stable issue;


is it possible to script it so when you fast travel to your new home, the horse is stabled at ground level (you can have a little stable below the flying home) and if you want to manually ride it, you just teleport to the stable at ground level? unless you want to mod wings for the horse and make it fly.

I already have it so when you fast travel, you end up on the ground, in front of the structure with the transportation stone (called a Sky Way Stone). I specifically put it there because of horses. Now, as for stables, I'd have to try to clear out some rocks and trees, then I could make a stable. I'd just have to figure out what to make it out of... Sometimes using Ayleid architecture can be a real pain.

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I would surely download it if it had an area where you could simply view cyrodiil, and a walless place where you could simply jump off :). Something like a ramp, maybe where the city executes prisonners? I dont know if you already though about a name, but ''Peragus'' would go well (another flying city name from some book inhabited by birds I once read). Do the ramp, and it will have something Special compared to the other city/houses mods out there ^_^ .
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I would surely download it if it had an area where you could simply view cyrodiil, and a walless place where you could simply jump off :). Something like a ramp, maybe where the city executes prisonners? I dont know if you already though about a name, but ''Peragus'' would go well (another flying city name from some book inhabited by birds I once read). Do the ramp, and it will have something Special compared to the other city/houses mods out there ^_^ .

Hmmmmm... Observation Tower... Genius! The area is somewhat close to the center of Cyrodil, and it is very high up. I don't know why I didn't think of that! As for an area to jump off the edge, well... maybe. I'd have to see about it after I finish the basic layout of the place. As for the name, it sounds good, but I'll have to think about it.

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I would surely download it if it had an area where you could simply view cyrodiil, and a walless place where you could simply jump off :). Something like a ramp, maybe where the city executes prisonners? I dont know if you already though about a name, but ''Peragus'' would go well (another flying city name from some book inhabited by birds I once read). Do the ramp, and it will have something Special compared to the other city/houses mods out there ^_^ .

Hmmmmm... Observation Tower... Genius! The area is somewhat close to the center of Cyrodil, and it is very high up. I don't know why I didn't think of that! As for an area to jump off the edge, well... maybe. I'd have to see about it after I finish the basic layout of the place. As for the name, it sounds good, but I'll have to think about it.



Yeah just think about it lol:


the DAREDEVIL, The hero of kvatch, will attempt jumping of the flying city of Peragus and SURVIVE! Crowd yellign Weaaaah!


ANyways really nice idea of a flying city il definetly download once your finished ^_^

haha that be sooo funny

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Yeah just think about it lol:


the DAREDEVIL, The hero of kvatch, will attempt jumping of the flying city of Peragus and SURVIVE! Crowd yellign Weaaaah!


ANyways really nice idea of a flying city il definetly download once your finished ^_^

haha that be sooo funny

Uhhh... I'd think the men in white coats would come for anyone going to attempt that. It takes about 11 seconds to reach the ground when I walk off the edge. Anyway, the observation tower is built. I tried looking for some stairs that might work well for the inside of the tower, but ended up just using my patented elevator. Multiple doors seem to teleport to the same place in a small room, the "door" is an activator, and the "buttons" are the doors. Works quite well. Now all I have to do is find some elevator music...

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Do you need some npc help for scheds etc?

Probably not, but thanks for reminding me to ask this: Would anyone like to volunteer to help with details? By details, I mean books, food/drink, clutter, plants in the gardens, etc. Maybe some furniture placement and lighting as well. One thing I definitely need: pathing grid. With the open edges and the complex schedules for the NPCs, it is required. And I can't do it.


If you would like to volunteer, PM me. Forewarning: I won't be available weekends, as I'm currently getting a new house ready to move into. This would also be the best time to work on the project, as I wouldn't, and we can exchange the data at the beginning and end of each weekend, and not have to worry about combining mods.

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