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New mod in the works


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I cant generate any pathing grids either... I get an error every time I try.


You don't generate pathing grids, you manually create them for interiors, or exteriors. I think the generation proceedure the CS uses requires an assload of processing and memory to work, and it still kind of sucks. By manual creation and adjustment you have more control of things.


Read the associated page on the Wiki, it is one of the more useful ones.

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I cant generate any pathing grids either... I get an error every time I try.


You don't generate pathing grids, you manually create them for interiors, or exteriors. I think the generation proceedure the CS uses requires an assload of processing and memory to work, and it still kind of sucks. By manual creation and adjustment you have more control of things.


Read the associated page on the Wiki, it is one of the more useful ones.


yea, I was kinda having fun doing the grid by hand anyway. Learning more that way too. :)

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Ok, I'm back. I've thought of a few things for this mod, and have doubled the workload if I do all of them. Or tripled. Maybe even quintupled. Well, here is a list with descriptions:


1. Make it visible from the distance. Right now the stone blocks the city is on spans four cells, and the observation tower is probably about half the size of the White Gold Tower. The castle, even though the only exterior architecture done is about half of the front, will probably be about the size of a small stadium. If you don't see this from far away, you'll wonder how it can be possible for something so big to just disappear. This entails copying and renaming quite a few .nif files.


2. How you get the place. Simple. You pay to have it built, building by building. How to populate it? Either hire someone to find the people, or find them yourself. The cost for this would be staggering to even my friend's ultimate mage character (He can buy all the houses, and furnish them, at least two times over). I'm guessing between 250,000 and 1,000,000 (maybe more). It is made for advance characters, and for people who want to have a big project to work on after the main quest and the guilds. This is a VERY big thing to accomplish, both in game and just making the thing.


3. Smaller, but still a tedious project. Lower the city. It's just too damn high. I want you to be able to see the city from far away, but it's so high, all you might be able to see (other than the block it's on) is the Observation tower, and the training arena. And the training arena only because it's on its own small platform connected by a bridge. Maybe the castle as well. Maybe.


4. A project leading to a project. How does this first come into the game? Do you find plans? Or meet someone who has this "grand idea"? I need some suggestions here. Preferably ones with at least some detail.


5. This is going to probably end up being a full blown city. Meaning it will require more area, more buildings, and more NPCs. Is it just me, or does good ideas often take on a life of their own?


6. I am going to require assistance if this will be completed in the near future. I can't pay anyone, save for with my gratitude and being named as co-creators. Please?


Well thats it for now, please leave all comments, suggestions, and offers for help here. Thank you, and good night!



I've decided to accept the name of Peragus. This is now officially named "The Peragus Project". Has a nice ring to it.

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Glad you like Peragus ^_^ . As for how it gets in the game, I have a little idea ;). Why not from an insane old man? Who keeps saying he was rich, he was going to build a giant flying city, he was to be the king and that hes emperor Uriel Septim's mom (lol ^_^) . Beggar outfit should suit him well. He could sell you a map to a place. For quite alot, you figure, plus it would give the player the conciosness (w/e) of buying a map from an insane guy. He could sell it for like 10,000 gp. That map will add a quest marker to the location of the NPC who builds stuff. The map can simply be a book, I guess, a journal, of the old man, you could have quite some fun writing crazy and completly inutile stuff in there.


Hope that helps. I am totally looking forward to your mod, it really sounds like ''gold'' . I support your Peragus Project 100%, it will really be hot. If your stuck and need crazy ideas, I could maybe help, I have lots of crazy ideas, specially when im bored, like now.

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Glad you like Peragus ^_^ . As for how it gets in the game, I have a little idea ;). Why not from an insane old man? Who keeps saying he was rich, he was going to build a giant flying city, he was to be the king and that hes emperor Uriel Septim's mom (lol ^_^) . Beggar outfit should suit him well. He could sell you a map to a place. For quite alot, you figure, plus it would give the player the conciosness (w/e) of buying a map from an insane guy. He could sell it for like 10,000 gp. That map will add a quest marker to the location of the NPC who builds stuff. The map can simply be a book, I guess, a journal, of the old man, you could have quite some fun writing crazy and completly inutile stuff in there.

That is a good idea. To further refine it: He seems to be completely crazy, and actually is, but hidden in it is an incredible genius. His writings, when you take out the crazy parts, are easily some of the most brilliant architecture, mechanical designs, and magical formula ever seen. The classic insane genius. Clichéd, but workable. Especially since there doesn't seem to be one in the game yet. There's a paranoid & demented guy, but no insane genius. But before I decide, I'd like to see what other ideas are out there.


Oh, by the way, I got a second wind. Update on progress:


Barracks internal structure almost complete, unfurnished.

Changed part of the throne room, and am going to change how you get to the quarters/library. Also put in path grid, need to edit for recent changes

Tavern internal structure built, minimally furnished, put in subspace area so NPCs will actually use the sky way stone to get to the second story room.

External area for barracks, tavern, and training arena partially built.


I'm also planning to add a smithy and alchemist. I'm thinking about putting in a mages & fighters guild, and a fence. Need to look into that, as I'm not completely sure how to do it.


Keep the ideas coming!


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I've thought more about the how of the beginnings of Peragus. Here are my thoughts:


1. CAUTION! MINOR SPOILER! When it is said this is for advanced characters, I mean it. Let's have it so that you have to first be the Champion of Cyrodiil. The reason behind this: You are building a new city, and such are going to be named a Count or Countess. That title is not bestowed upon just anybody. A basic time line:

- You are named Champion

- The insane genius approaches you with an offer, you accept

- Seeing that the writings aren't all just insane scribblings, you decide it might actually be possible to do what is described

- Because this is such a large project, and is probably going to become a city, you approach Chancellor Ocoto (or whatever his name is) with the plans

- Agreeing to provide some monetary assistance (and saying “If successful, I think it will be appropriate to bestow the title of Count (or Countess) upon you.”), Chancellor Ocoto points you in the direction of the builders


2. The time to actually build the city will be enormous: months in gametime. During this, the player will still be able to go adventuring, complete guild quests, etc, but will have to go check on progress, give instructions, and provide monetary supplies to the builders every few days. You will also “do” paperwork, but in game it will just be a message that tells you you sign some things, and every once and a while, say you signed a permit for “immigration” of a citizen. Or approve applications for city officials. Things along those lines.


3. Talking about citizens, time to tell how they will get to your city: word of mouth. All across the empire people will be talking about “The amazing flying city of Peragus”. People will actually send letters to ask to move there, and you'll gladly accept. Note: No one currently in the game will move. However, a few new NPCs will be added here and there that WILL move. All other NPCs will “immigrate from outside of Cyrodiil” (just suddenly appear in the game).


Yes, I know this is becoming something along the lines of rebuilding Kvatch. What I'm aiming for is something big to do after the main quest other than the guilds or doing something like making a collection (though there will be an excellent place to display a collection in this mod). And to have a quest that has a permanent, lasting, material effect for the rest of the game. Anyway, please post any thoughts or comments.


Progress update:

Throne room construction officially complete, save for miscellaneous details I think up that might be added later.




Edit: One more thing. I'm taking some time away from the Construction Set to make a check list. I have no idea how long this will take, as I am going to have a LOT of things to put on it.

Edited by Omegano
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I just took a look at the "My Big Castle Mod" post, and discovered that I had chosen the same area for my huge mod as he did. Considering he had chosen the area first, I have decided to move Peragus. That is what has taken so long; I've been looking for a good place to move it to. So far I'm thinking the Nibenay Basin, to the east of the bridge over the Corbolo River. The Sky Way Stone will still be next to the road, and I'll try to make it so nothing is beneath it, but the empty area isn't exactly huge... This is probably going to cut half of the progress for the exterior construction...


Murphy just checked in, and he's ugly...


I've also partially made the check list, and by my (and the computer's) calculations, I've done a whopping 4% of the total work needed done...


Reality just checked in, and it's even uglier...



I'm going to wait on moving Peragus until I get some feedback on the location. Until then, I'll continue making interiors.



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Let's see, I've been the last person to post 4 times... the last time someone else posted something was two days ago...


Where is everybody?


Anyway, an update on progress:

Finished interior construction of the private quarters, barracks, and quarters/library.

Added lighting to tavern (complete) and quarters/library (partial)


Please, any and all feedback will be appreciated.

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Location.. HMm I dont quite know, Il go play oblivion in a few and check some spots out. yes the nybein (w/e) basin isnt a bad idea at all, if it would be placed in the middle of the sea. Half a sea view, half a land view. Il come back in a few, after I checked some particulary eye candy locations. Keep up the good work !
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Location.. HMm I dont quite know, Il go play oblivion in a few and check some spots out. yes the nybein (w/e) basin isnt a bad idea at all, if it would be placed in the middle of the sea. Half a sea view, half a land view. Il come back in a few, after I checked some particulary eye candy locations. Keep up the good work !

Thanks. Don't forget that you have to look at the view from up in the air!


Anyway, I'm planning on releasing a beta when I'm done with construction of the buildings. That means, they will be in varying degrees of emptiness.


Question: How does the name Palace Peragus sound?


Also, update on progress:


Finished interior construction of mages' guild (both areas) and fighters' guild, all unfurnished and unlighted.

Put in lighting for the private chambers.



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