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Detailed storyline

I have the basic storyline, and some events are partially detailed, but I need some help figuring out the exact sequence of events that will make up the storyline. Also, I'll need some help with giving the NPCs some background, ie what they did before coming to Peragus, where they came from, etc. Essentially, I need a story writer.



Just found this post; and I like what I see. As for storyline I'm a pretty good writer, If you'd like some help with this, email what you've got to me; we'll see what we can do. [email protected]. I was thinking for the the guards that some or most could be veterans of the "oblivion war" and due to their great respect for the "champion of cyrodil" requested a post in the new city. As for backgrounds that are personalized, maybe some could be from the blades, and various cities that sent aide to bruma, poeple that served directly under the mc. The more I think about this the more ideas come. Like an imperial historian doing a book on the champion, chronicling his conquests, items, life story... As for other npc's, make them family members of the people the mc directly helped in the various side quests. Let me know.

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Some of the NPCs might be refugees from the other provinces. I know I heard that 'the holds of Skyrim are under seige by hordes of Daedra' or some such, it's reasonable to assume other provinces are being attacked too.


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Some of the NPCs might be refugees from the other provinces. I know I heard that 'the holds of Skyrim are under seige by hordes of Daedra' or some such, it's reasonable to assume other provinces are being attacked too.


@chooch: If you want to reply to a post, use the QUOTE+ or REPLY button. If you don't want all of the post, delete the sections you aren't replying to. Generally, when I remove sections, I replace them with an ellipsis



Thanks Abramul. About the refugees Idea, I thought of this and I think Omegano had it too. It does stand to reason that other provinces are under siege and that refugees would be fleeing in and out of Cyrodil. All depending on where they came from. I think we were going to use this as a device to fill peragus with a population. I'm not sure of the numbers yet. As an update, I've been writing the storyline and on that I think I'm about 80% complete, as for dialog, we'll see. If anyone wants to help with that contact Omegano, it's his project. Oh and keep coming up with the Ideas I think they're great. And if anyone can come up with a bunch names that would be great, I need some Breton, Imperial and Nord names, I've got a handle on the dark/high/wood elf and the orc, kajiit and argonian names, but will always take suggestions.

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Status update:

Most of yesterday was spent collaborating with the other staff members, but today was spent mostly on putting guards in the Throne Room/Display Area. And giving them schedules, patrol routes, and just generally making them a little unique. The patrol routes are done, the schedules just need one more item for each guard (Any suggestions on what they should do on their off time?), and I just need to change their hair color and hit the generate button for the face. I'm only putting them in the Throne Room because that is the only place that is finished (at least during this stage of development). I still need to make the path grid in the exterior (but that would have to wait until I actually finish the exterior), so they might have some problems going from place to place, but that should be a small problem. By the way, there are 3 shifts of 4 guards in the Throne room alone (that's 12 for those of you who don't want to do the math). There are a total 30 currently planned.

On a side note, the storyline is coming along greatly, and there will be a few twists in it that might surprise you (and Tiberiu, there has been additions, so you will also be surprised). Also, the textures are coming along well. There are currently a few technical difficulties involved with them, but hopefully they will be solved.


Estimated Percentage Done: 22%


Until later!



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Status update:

Most of yesterday was spent collaborating with the other staff members, but today was spent mostly on putting guards in the Throne Room/Display Area. And giving them schedules, patrol routes, and just generally making them a little unique. The patrol routes are done, the schedules just need one more item for each guard (Any suggestions on what they should do on their off time?), and I just need to change their hair color and hit the generate button for the face. I'm only putting them in the Throne Room because that is the only place that is finished (at least during this stage of development). I still need to make the path grid in the exterior (but that would have to wait until I actually finish the exterior), so they might have some problems going from place to place, but that should be a small problem. By the way, there are 3 shifts of 4 guards in the Throne room alone (that's 12 for those of you who don't want to do the math). There are a total 30 currently planned.

On a side note, the storyline is coming along greatly, and there will be a few twists in it that might surprise you (and Tiberiu, there has been additions, so you will also be surprised). Also, the textures are coming along well. There are currently a few technical difficulties involved with them, but hopefully they will be solved.


Estimated Percentage Done: 22%


Until later!




You're gonna generate the faces? Boo. Email me. :)

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Status Update:

Been beating my head against the wall trying to get the guards to follow their @#$% schedules, and haven't had much success. So started working on interiors again, and had some more progress with the smith/clothier. Also been fooling around with effect shaders, water types, etc. to get a feel for them (never know when these could come in handy).



During all of the above, I've been thinking about the progress lately, or more specifically: the lack of it. With college, I haven't been able to do as much as I wanted. And I'm getting ready to move, which takes up more time. I have been making progress, but the areas that need doing now, are not the subject of said progress. I've also come to realize that I'm more talented in some areas more than others. Scripting? Easy. Architecture? Simple. Furniture placement? Doable. Clutter? Ugh.

I've also taken a look at whats left to be done, and a lot of it is interiors, and some exterior work. And while I have a very basic training arena, it leaves a lot left to be desired. Then there is the whole part about the npcs, and the questline. Well, to the point of all of this: I need some help. I have already put out a request for help with some things, as those were things I just didn't have the ability to do. Those were necessary. This isn't required, but the help would move the project along faster, and hopefully increase the overall quality. Anyway, the list of what I'm asking for help with:


Interiors. I've put in the architecture and lighting, but have only worked on 10 of the 21 cells for furniture, and only 1 for clutter. Only 3 cells have pathgrids (then again, pathgrids can't be made until the cells are furnished).


Exteriors. The architecture is sort of done (I have a lot of clipping that I need to fix), but there aren't any paths, no gardens, not even any lighting. And no pathgrid.


Everything else is still being processed in the concept stage, and can't be worked on yet. If anyone would like to help, please PM me. I AM going to continue working myself, and I'm also helping WarKirby with his arena, which I hope to use part of to get my arena into something more than a thing added in as an afterthought (which isn't the case). I'm also waiting for a word from chooch, as I haven't heard from him in about a week. I can't really do much about the storyline and npcs until I do. Also, the first post will be edited with a more detailed list of what I want help with.


Anyway, again: If you want to help, or if you have any questions, please PM me.



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Hey Guys I'm working on a mod and would like feedback its a mod that dds the bleach world to oblivion this including soul society, hecuo mundo and the main city everything will have custom meshs, textures, animations nd a bleach styled user style. :ninja:
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