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New mod in the works


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Status update: Got the prison to actually work, so now you can get put in a prison with the latest technology, magic, and trained guards! :D

Also, am planing on putting Reznod's Mannequins in an area I designated for such a thing. Just need to look at how the whole thing works, so I can make it work in the way I want it. Already made part of it for WarKirby and his MyBigCastle mod, so I don't have much more to do. I hope.

Also made it so the other races have the dialog to arrest the player, but sadly, I can't get them to use any voice. I'll continue looking into it, though.


On a side note, unless anyone wants to help me with some textures (both the rgb and glow maps need to be cleaned up, and a normal map needs to be made/cleaned up), the current textures will be the final textures. This saddens me, as it isn't the quality I am used to looking at; they just aren't as good as what's in the game, and it shows.


Anyway, I'll continue working. Till later!



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Status update: Reznod's Mannequins are now a permanent addition to Palace Peragus. I'm only part way through adding them, but I have implemented an idea I had for two of them: make them B I G. It actually works rather well, especially with the Imperial Dragon Armor.

Still haven't figured out how to make the other races use voice for arresting the player, but I continue looking into it. If I have to, I'll copy the voice files themselves (and increase the already huge file size), unless I have at least three people say not to.


Till later!



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Sorry about the long down time, but I've been a little busy. Between prepping the new house, helping my friend with his computer, and college, I've haven't much time. But I've been adjusting to it some, and have been able to start working on Peragus again.


The past day or two, I've been trying my hand at dialog and NPCs, and have had mixed results. The npcs seem to be doing fine, but I still need to see if they actually follow their schedules. In the dialog department, I have been able to get the process of renting the room in the tavern to work, but I can't seem to get the guy to say anything from the Non-Quest Dialog script for Peragus. No custom greeting, no "Peragus" topic, no nothing. I've just about copied the quest from the quests for the other cities. It even says he should say the things in the editor, but it just will not work. Anyone have any suggestions?


@WarKirby: No, I haven't had a chance to take a look yet. Haven't been playing the game itself as much as I should. Will take a look at it now, while I'm waiting for a reply.



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- Because this is such a large project, and is probably going to become a city, you approach Chancellor Ocoto (or whatever his name is) with the plans


You misspelled Ocato's name! Die, Telvanni spy!


AARRRRGGGHHH! I don't believe it! There is actually a REASON for all of the guards being Imperial! THEY ARE THE ONLY RACE WITH DIALOG FOR ARRESTING THE PLAYER!!! AND ONLY IN IN THE MALE VOICE!!! AARRGGHH!!!!

*insert very long, very vile string of curses here*




Ok, now that I have calmed down, somewhat, let me tell you what that means. Either every guard, no matter the race or sex, will talk with the Male Imperial voice when attempting to arrest the player, or every guard that isn't a male imperial won't have a voice at all! AND I will have to copy the dialog for each race other than Imperial, then copy it all again for females! That is going to be *bites tongue*... extremely unpleasant...




Ok, what are your thoughts? Should I do this, or just stick with Imperial Guards?



Possible existing dialogue: Need to unpack my mp3s, will append possibilities to this post.


Status update: the training arena seems to work, I'll have to do some more intensive testing later, but as of now you can summon a warrior, archer, mage, or random creature to do battle with, that disappear when they die (Including equipment). They are also leveled to you. There are also a two semi-new creatures in the line up. I'll give the name of one: "King Crab" (don't ask for more info, it's a surprise for anyone who downloads the mod). Anyway, I'll need to test my failsafe, but that can wait a bit. I also finished furnishing the barracks, and am currently furnishing the alchemist shop.


When I finish the alchemy shop and test my failsafe, I'll upload an update. That is, after I weed out meshes and textures I don't use to reduce file size.



Oh my, a mudcrab with the voice of Uriel Septim VII!


By the way, you should include neutronium pebbles. (Find the literary reference)

EDIT: It won't play the voice files, so I'll just list the likely possibilities. Is it just me, or do the guards sound like MW's orcs?


EDIT2: A lot of the Generics under the Combat tab could be used.

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Status update: Got the dialog to work, and have started furnishing the smith/clothing shop. Putting a lot more detail in this than the other ones for some reason (might it be because I actually know a thing or two about blacksmithing?). As soon as I do that, and finish up the NPCs in there, I'll post an update. And just to let you know, this smith will actually have a FULL leveled list, meaning you can theoretically buy any standard weapon or armor in the game. As long as you're the right level, that is. Still have to make the magical weapons and armor list, as that only goes up to magical steel stuff, which is next to useless at higher levels. Also going to make it so you can buy any piece of clothing or jewelry from the clothier, but I haven't even started that yet. Anyway, off to work!



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I though you died. Well, its good to see your back. I stopped playing Oblivion for a while, but im still waiting for Peragus. I like the way things turned up until now, keep up the good work.
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Ok, update has been uploaded. Didn't finish everything I wanted, but it was close enough that I decided to put it out now. As of now, the project is estimated to be 20% complete.


Anyway, I decided to put a list out now of help I need now/soon, and help I'm probably going to need in the future:



I have some textures I edited myself, but they are mediocre at best. I need someone to clean them up (both rgb maps and glow maps, where applicable), and I need a normal map made. By clean up, I mean blending some of the edges so that it doesn't look blocky.


Detailed storyline

I have the basic storyline, and some events are partially detailed, but I need some help figuring out the exact sequence of events that will make up the storyline. Also, I'll need some help with giving the NPCs some background, ie what they did before coming to Peragus, where they came from, etc. Essentially, I need a story writer.



I don't exactly have a gift with words, so I'm going to need help writing what will actually be said. This won't be for a while, as I'm going to need the above help first.



Eventually, I'm going to need some beta-testers. Not that I'm not having a lot of it now, but I'll need some people that will follow each of the NPCs to make sure they are following their schedules, make sure the quest works in different situations, walk through the city looking for any clipping and placement issues, etc.



This list will probably have things added on to it, but as of now, that is all I can think of. And I've decided to use the Voice Actors Guild to do voices. I'm going to need a lot of it, so that is going to be the easiest way to get it (hopefully). If anyone would like to volunteer, please PM me with topic "Peragus volunteer: (position)". Note that official beta-testers are NOT needed, yet. Unofficial testing is perfectly fine, though.


I'm going to be writing something to put on the first page of this thread, so that some of this info is easier to find. The most recent status update will be copied there, and I'm going to put running lists of the current staff and special thanks. Also, an estimate of the percentage complete will be put up, and updated with every status update. Please post any suggestions for what else should be put up.


Until then!



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