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Oblivion XP: Companion bug?


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Hi --


I started a new game recently using Oblivion XP.


Every now and then I get the message "Companion killed a (whatever). +X xp!" appearing in the top left corner.

However, I don't have any companions. Nor do I have any companion mods installed.


Anyone have a clue as to what's going on here?



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Any NPC or creature that is set to 'Follow' you would be regarded as a companion by Oblivion XP, even in stock quests like Martin, or the Skingrad Mages Guild Recommendation quest. To give people a batter chance of understanding what may be going on (conflict-wise), a list of your mods taken from Wrye Bash and including the ["spoiler"]["code"]["/spoiler"]["/code"] -- without the quotes -- would be of immense help.
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