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>:( >:( >:( ok i just signed up for this but I need help with my game, my computer start's up the game perfectly fine but after I play for about 15-20 minutes it freezes and the screen turn's black and I have to completely restart my computer by holding the button...which isnt good.Im kind of new to computers so could some one please help me I would greatly appritiate it. ALSO when ever i walk outside everything is stretched out and i cant see where i am going.

GAHHHH this game makes me mad




~Thank you in advance.


please some 1 help me prety please

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Deathbrin, please read the rules! Bumping your own posts is a no no!


If there are no replies yet it could mean that no one who might have an answer is on line - time zones etc.


I am not technically minded or I would try to help. It could be a problem with the graphics card. Could you post details of the graphics card. It will give those who might be able to help more info.

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I second what Malchik said, It does sound suspiciously like your graphics card cannot handle the game. Give us your PC stats then we can a better clue on whats wrong, your not giving us very much to work on deathbring90.

I know it can be frustrating to have a game and not work how you want it to, i sympathise.

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Yes it is your card, because everything else is fine. What do you have? I have an nVidia 6100*tear*, and i run it on low with about 12 -50 fps. So your card must be unsupported. Get $80 and buy an x1300 pro or 7300.
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umm... not to sound rude but as i said im kind of new with with computers so umm.... how to i check my graphix card i think it's prety good...Oh and im sorry about bumping my own stuff im very sorry



Here how you can check your hardware out: (if your using windows xp)


Follow those stepts in order



> open Start (down left corner )


> left click on my computer and select properties


> select Hardware


> device manager


You will see all the curent installed hardware now. This is different on computers, since different people use different hardware. Look for graphic card, Video card, Ati brand, Nvidia brand , GeForce, or other video card brands. Im pretty sure you will find it. You might also not have installed the latest drivers for your video card wich can cause oblivion to run weird.

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I second what Malchik said, It does sound suspiciously like your graphics card cannot handle the game. Give us your PC stats then we can a better clue on whats wrong, your not giving us very much to work on deathbring90.

I know it can be frustrating to have a game and not work how you want it to, i sympathise.

You may also want to make sure that your driver for the graphics card is up to date. A couple problems that might cause your system to fail after running for a period could be a heat problem for your graphics card or another system component. Something else you should check is the size of your swap file for Windows. You are at the low end of the amount of memory for running Oblivion so you need to be certain that you have enough swapfile space available. If you do not have enough swap file space you will probably see errors at the Windows level about exhausting virtual memory with a suggestion that you close some running applications.

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