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The new tamrael

Sakura Avalon

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for all those people like me who liked morrowind but found oblivion much better looking.

im looking 4 someone to make the world of morrowind 4 oblivion.

this will be a most difficult task and would take quite a while.

it would be awsome to take the oblivion textures and recreate the world of morrowind.

possibilities could be 2 use the existing world of tamriel and rearrange it and add a mountain in the middle like in morrowind. then create a portal in the imperial city or a boat trip like the bloated float mission 2 morrowind.

this is vague at best but could anyone interested email me at [email protected]!!

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Yes, just like Switch said, its already being attempted. Morrowind isn't the only one either. I belive I saw people trying to recreate Vallenwood as well. Although such a HUGE project takes alot of time so dont expect it to be realeased by tommorow. Id give it no less than a year, if the project just started.
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