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Peptobismal swallowing up Alduin, help please.


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Okay, so, after months of not playing and an operating system fail, I decide to go back to Skyrim. Downloaded my old mods and went to a new game when all of a sudden pink for appears. I think, well maybe it is only on the screen but would you look at that, it is in game too, graphic failures every where. So I uninstall EVERY Nexus mod, but not my Steam mods. And it is still hella pink. Someone help me please? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=387178618

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What makes you think that mods from Steam Workshop are somehow not at fault but mods from Nexus could be? :ermm:


It looks like Pinky textures, which are warnings that textures are missing. And it looks like it's on the misty parts in the load screens. Do you/did you have any mods that alter that?


When all else fails, blank-slate the entire Skyrim install (including the stuff in the My Documents/My Games folder) and see if a barebones unmodded game works. Be sure to do a file integrity check beforehand to make sure that's in order as well.

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What makes you think that mods from Steam Workshop are somehow not at fault but mods from Nexus could be? :ermm:


It looks like Pinky textures, which are warnings that textures are missing. And it looks like it's on the misty parts in the load screens. Do you/did you have any mods that alter that?


When all else fails, blank-slate the entire Skyrim install (including the stuff in the My Documents/My Games folder) and see if a barebones unmodded game works. Be sure to do a file integrity check beforehand to make sure that's in order as well.

also because I installed a fog mod that is why I thought it was Nexus and I thought I installed incorrectly

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