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100% reflect damage, still got hit?


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My character is level 66 and has 101% reflect damage, i'm supposed to be invulnerable to meelee attack, but i don't know if there's something wrong, i still get damage sometimes even from a rat and my armor is still damaged! Anybody gets same issue? How can i fix it? At lower level i didn't get the problem, is that reflect damage only fully protects at low level?
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Enchanted rats maybe? :biggrin:


Tehnically, you should only take damage from ranged weapons, weapon enchantments, traps and falling damage.

From what I understand, you still take damage, but the damage is reflected back at your attacker. Therefore, if you take 50 damage, they take 50 damage . . . Hope that helps.

I have 101% reflect damage and 100% magic resistance so even that rat enchanted which is not possible, it still is not able to hurt me, and according to UESPWiki, reflect damage 100% will reflect all damage to dealer and does no damage to bearer. in my circumstance, it works exactly the same except Sometimes enemy still able to damage me, that's what i don't understand

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The enchanter rat thing was a joke :tongue:


Well, the next logical question would be: Are you using any major overhaul mods that might affect how resists work?


I had the same...glitch so to say, with 100% chamelon. Tehnically you should be perfectly invisible, however in some instances zombies/skeletons would still chase me arround without a reason.

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