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Tamriels unique dark elf


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((Just a portrait of my favorite drow. ^^))


The Underdark, Menzoberranzan, deep under the surface of Faerûn, my

old home, even if i could never call it a home at all, and Cyrodil, quite far

away from there, maybe a totally different dimension, who would know?

Both worlds seem so real, it’s just like Cyrodil was all I ever wished for,

everything I could imagine, but never dared to hope for.

Maybe you’d think that I’ve gotten crazy, or ask yourself what the hell I

am talking about here, but let me explain first, then decide your sight of

all this.

First, you should know who I am. My name is Daeron Maerdyn. As you

would call me a dark elf, I can’t denie the fact that you are right in a

special way. But I’m not that kind of dark elf, you would expect me to be.

In fact, I am one of the Drow, one of those, you’d name cruel, arrogant,

hateful, cold hearted or whatever. Someone you would blame for

murdery or hunting the weak, but let me tell you, that exactly that is not

what I hate most.

I grew up within my house and its strict hierarchy. My childhood was

nothing to mention really, at least it was boring all along, I had to do the

housework, serve my mother and my sisters, and the less I could expect

from them was a sighn to leave the room afterwards. They never told me

any friendly word. When there was nothing to do for me, I was on my

own, all alone in my little room. I did all I had to do, and it seemed just

normal, except to myself. I always asked myself, why all had to be like

that, and my issues didn’t change at the fighter’s academy my mother

sent me to.

In contrairy, I started to defend my innocence against what they tried to

teach the students here. All the stories about Lolth the spider queen, all

those lies! I couldn’t believe it, and I didn’t want to. Didn’t they see, that

what they all do is just evil? Yeah, they call the light elves exactly that ­

evil. They change the facts so that all students might believe, and most

terribly, they do!

After some little efford to keep my believed frieds, and to pull them onto

my side, I gave it up. They started to act somehow weird, and off course

they went to our masters to tell them about my strange thoughts. It was

so annoying, seeming to be the only individual in the whole underdark

who understands the truth! But it brought me only pain and suffering, and

finally I kept my mouth shut, and just tried to face my tests alone. At

least the training at the academy, and my good experience made it worth

to go on.

I graduated as one of the best, and after ten years of abstinece, had to

go back to my house. Somehow I was looking forward to see my small

room again, with all my personal stuff in it, carrying my memories of the

past. But like I had to recognize painfully, nothing else had changed.


I had to follow the guardians of my house then, obedient and ready to

defend it, if anyone should dare to attack. Soon I got tired of that, and

again, all those strange thoughts came to my mind. What if I could decide

for myself? What I’d like to do? How I wanted to react to others? I’ve

been wearing that stupid mask of obedience for years now, and it really

sucks! Why can’t I just be myself? I’m not the one who asked for a life

like this! But there’s no one to blame, exclude destiny, but I didn’t believe

in such things those days. It was so damn unfair...

But when Narbondel, a huge stick of stone shew up the night, slowly

covering the surface with darkness, I was still stuck in thoughts, and

then, maybe the first time of my life, I made my decission.


Before daybreak, I collected all my things together, and with them my

swords. I was unsure, what life would be, if I could just make it to the

surface, but I was sure, that this is what I had to do.

Not long, and my house noticed me, running away, embarrasing them all,

and off course beeing heretic. They followed me, hunting for my life, but ­

even if I coulndn’t say how afterwards, I managed to escape the

underdark, and enter the surface, where the sun was already shining

lightly from above.

I was terribly fartigue, almost unable to do one more single step from

here, but I had to, that’s what I knew for sure. My people wouldn’t give

up unless they found me. I closed my eyes against the light and kept on

running blindly into what meant to be a forest, until something beat my

head. I fell down onto the leaves, which almost made no sound.

The next thing, I remembered, was the forest in which I awoke. It

seemed to be rather different, but somehow peaceful. Nothing to worry,

as I told myself. It was night, dark, the wind was little cool but that’s

nothing I coulnd’t deal with.

While recalling what my people tought me about the human race, I came

to the conclusion, that it might be better to get me something to cover

my shapes and face, but actually, I never did, and that is, because...

Uhm... let’s say, this world, that I expectet to be the surface of Faerûn is

somehow different...


Most surprisingly nobody seemed to mind a Drow running around in their

cities, triying to find a job, struggleing to survive out here. When I started

to get really dizzy, someone told me, where I have come to, and that it

most likely, had been a failure within a magical teleportation spell that

brought me here.

I soon had to learn, that the dark elves here, are almost like I always

wanted to be. They’re skilled in fighting ­ no matter what! They are well

known for their swift movements, and the power they have, although

they are, and that attracts me most, peaceful to all other races, and

made the surface their home.


So now, I don’t know what it had been, that brought me here. My own

wish for that to happen, heard by a god willing to help me, or just my

pure destiny? But as I am here in Cyrodil to face my future, and lucky to

have the rest of my life to spend in its beautiful lands, I’ll see what I can

achieve. I don’t need to hide for my desires, I can do whatever I want to,

if I stay with the law, I can decide for myself, and help the ones I think to

depend on. In addition, I can improve my skills and techniques, and

maybe some day be someone the world will remember...

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So you're actually playing the role of that guy in Oblivion, eh? Watch your step, or I'LL TAKE YOU DOWN! lol! Just playing with ya.


"What's the point of your story, tough guy?" I said sitting in the corner.

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