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Some problems with SKSE.


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Help please.I'm kinda new to skyrim and moding, but here is a problem I encountered:I tried to get Familiar Faces( Awesome mod, worth checking out.)but here is what keeps happening.I load up my game and it says"SKSE is missing or not installed correctly.This mod requires SKSE 1.7.1. or higher, but the current version is 0.000000.This mod will now shut down."And RaceMenu is a requirement as well for Familiar Faces and it says this:"Race menu error:You are running SKSE version expected or greater.SKSE script version mismatch detected (46) expected (0).Please reinstall your SKSE script to match your version."SkyUI says something similar about SKSE,and I think the end part of what racemenu says is important.Just in-case this is necessary, I have legendary edition, I have re-installed the latest SKSE version quite a few times over and over.I download mods MANUALLY by right clicking on the name of Skyrim then going to properties and browse local files, puting the downloaded mod into the data folder, and extracting it with 7zip.Please help and tell me what I did wrong, all I want is the Familiar Faces mod to work!

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okay aside from the difficulty i had reading this, i'm just going to assume you want familiar faces to work but SKSE isn't working for some reason. so you say you install mods manually... not something i recommend but all there own. have you used LOOT? do you have Racmenu? is Skyrim fully updated on Steam?

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