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Some problems with SKSE.


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Ok when I start skyrim through the SKSE launcher I only get this error:"Familiar Faces:The SKSE plugin Jcontainers is missing or not installed correctly.This mod requires Jcontainers with API 3 (3.1.x) but the current version reports a different API version.This mod will shut down."But when I load with regular launcher ( I'm in offline mode.) I get all the other ones(In the first post, including the SkyUI one.) except for the Jcontainers one.And yes I do have Jcontainers installed already.

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I'm using Mod Organizer (I think some guys call it NMM) and I still have the same error. I've already reinstalled the MO and SKSE, it didn't help at all. I'm reinstaling the whole Skyrim now cus I heard it can be caused by older files overwriting the new ones. Hope it works.

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I'm using Mod Organizer (I think some guys call it NMM) and I still have the same error. I've already reinstalled the MO and SKSE, it didn't help at all. I'm reinstaling the whole Skyrim now cus I heard it can be caused by older files overwriting the new ones. Hope it works.

Mod Organizer and NMM are completely different programs although both are mod managers. If you're going to use Mod Organizer make sure you read all of its documentation about installing things, especially things like SKSE. You can't actually install SKSE using a mod manager although some people package the SKSE scripts and install them with Mod Organizer. The official support for Mod Organizer is over on the STEP forums.

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I'm using Mod Organizer (I think some guys call it NMM) and I still have the same error. I've already reinstalled the MO and SKSE, it didn't help at all. I'm reinstaling the whole Skyrim now cus I heard it can be caused by older files overwriting the new ones. Hope it works.

Mod Organizer and NMM are completely different programs although both are mod managers. If you're going to use Mod Organizer make sure you read all of its documentation about installing things, especially things like SKSE. You can't actually install SKSE using a mod manager although some people package the SKSE scripts and install them with Mod Organizer. The official support for Mod Organizer is over on the STEP forums.


Its working just fine now, seems like something wasn't up to date, I think it was skyrim, anyway Txs 4 ur help.

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