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[WIP] The Abysmer Empire Needs You!


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Hey, Lillum!


Thank you for your words and your support.


Do not forget that I did not create the textures, I simply took Capucine's Aquamer Race textures and applied them to a careful and deliberate selection of body and head meshes, designed some Race Powers and Abilities and tossed to the wild. Funny how a simple change of head mesh and facegen geometry design can make the two races, Aquamer and Abysmer, so different despite the same base textures.


Yes, the Eel Kiss does not consume Magicka because I deliberately made it as a Race Lesser Power. This way it does not sum up for Destruction and does not interfere in leveling. Eye of the Abyss does sum up for Illusion, but it did not work when I tried to make it a Lesser Power too. Perhaps there's a better way to script it, but I don't know how. We can just pretend that the shock and paralyze power the Abysmer have is not magical but biological, the same as some fishes have bioelectric stings.


Getting used to the velocity Nature of the Abyss gives when swimming takes a little work, since most players do not swim often, but the tactical advantage you have now to lure your enemies to deep water and zap them to the afterlife is worth the extra work. And do not forget that you can travel virtually across all Cyrodiil by water.


The enchantments I put into every piece of the armor were chosen in order to compensate the weaknesses Wounds of the Surface give you. I believe it makes sense, because the Abysmer present on Cyrodiil are supposed to be warriors, or at least emissaries, ambassadors, and they should come here well prepared.


About the Outpost, it's intended as a just-in-case pre-settled post with just the bare commodities for up to four Abysmer personnel. Perhaps I decorate it a little bit more, but it will not be a Waldorf Astoria suite.


And the name you chose for your Abysmer lady, Attina, suits the lore I have in my mind perfectly. I hereby include her in the Official Abysmer Lore. May I ask you to post here some pictures of her and her character particularities?


Have fun and, wherever you go, say proudly the Abysmer Motto:


"Roast, you Surfacer scum!".



Edited by IkeCoast
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I'm aware that you did take the textures from Capucine's Aquamer race and while I don't discredit his work into making this race, I also know how daunting using the Construction Kit or Set can be to make a race, even with all the resources and textures at your disposal. I think you were quite creative and thoughtful in coming up with the Abysmer's racial powers. I also think that the use of a nuska-like head mesh adds a unique touch to your race that differentiates it from Capucine's Aquamer.


Eel Kiss makes much more sense now, I was wondering why my Destruction didn't level, I was using it so often. Equating it to a biological feature seems much more lore friendly, and makes complete sense as to why the Destruction doesn't level -- it's just an innate ability.


Don't get me wrong -- not complaining about the swimming. In fact, I find it hilariously fun to jump in the water and just see where it takes me if I just keep swimming in one direction.


The enchantments on the armor are thoughtful and go with the fact that the Abysmer are supposed to be great warriors -- but I'm much more shallow and mostly concerned with the fact it looks great on Attina.


The outpost is quaint, and I'd like to see it incorporated as a real place in the game, maybe with an Abysmer CM Partner or two. Of course, that's totally up to your discretion.


As for Attina, I would be glad to post some pictures. I hope you know I stole her name from the Little Mermaid -- Attina is Ariel's oldest sister -- I couldn't think of a more fitting name than that. As for pictures, I'm afraid you'd have to give me a tutorial on how to post pictures on the Nexus forums...I still haven't really figured it out yet. In the mean time, I'm going to go take lots of pictures of my cutie Attina.

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Hey, Lillum!


Your words made me feel realized, because all you say is exactly what I intended for the players to feel. I still have lots of fun using the swift swim, jumping in the water, bonking my head against everything and essentially being teleported anywhere in a matter of seconds XD


Yep, the Outpost is intended to be part of the game once the update is finished. And yes, I already had the idea of including some type of companion there, but in order to make the mod as standalone as possible, I'm learning how to create very basic, vanilla companions for it. I have in mind some short of minion, not exactly an Abysmer soldier but, let's say, a Shark Atronach. Stay tuned.


But releasing a separate plug-in for the CM Partners with some Abysmer soldiers to aid you in your conquest of Cyrodiil and the eradication of the filthiy Surfacers (that's not what I say, it's what Queen Dorma keeps saying when the matter jumps on the conversation) is a good idea.


Yep, I knew Attina is Ariel's sister, this is why I found this name so lore-friendly and appropriate. I took my names from other sources too: Wyynde was an atlantean warrior from the John Ostrander and Jan Duursema's comic book "Arion, Lord of Atlantis" (DC Comics), and Dorma was the first wife of King Namor of Atlantis (Marvel Comics).


This week I will continue polishing the Outpost. I think the race itself is mostly finished.


As for pictures, in the Nexus Site (not the Forums, the Downloads Site) it's easy to post pictures in the Images section. You can post images from your own hard drive.


Here in the Forums, using the "More reply options" button down there below the text input box, you can attach files from your hard drive to the post, or if you have your images hosted in a site like ImageShack, you can use the Add Image button from the upper icons bar to post it inside the message.



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Well, thank you for the small tutorial on how to attach pictures! Now I can post Attina in all her Abysmer glory! As for her characteristics, I'd say she is a scholar. Intrigued by creatures of land, she likes to study them and not always in a gentle manner, often killing a surfacer or two in order to study their anatomy. Not only the people, but the animals and the plants as well. She records them down in her many journals in order to better understand creatures of land, what makes them tick, and how they do things. She loves the animals much better than the surfacers who rule the land, finding them much too fickle and selfish in all that they do. But she does like to help the beggars and less fortunate, finding pity for them for not being born into the glorious Abysmer empire. Here she is now:


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My Goodness, I LOVE her.


Your brief biography on her is perfect, and her unique, distinctive, yet unmistakably Abysmer face is flawless. And the Nuska TiedHawk suits her far better than it suits Queen Dorma.


Right now I don't know what to say, I'm truly impressed. As a modder, I'm still deeply touched when I see one of my creations (even if it's not completely my creation) being brought to life this way.


Now I need to find a hosting provider and start creating the Abysmer Wiki.







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Yes she is Ike. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to crack open the alpha and give it a test spin ... been raining distractions around here lately (that Seam Mender release chewed today up and spit it out with not much to show for it ... I've had a roller coaster day).


Reading Lylium's RP story got my mind wandering. I don't usually have a big backstory I try to play out. I often have the backstory in my head, it just doesn't get translated into footsteps and sword thrusts. Read Lylium's and I have mine for when the alpha transfers from H drive to G drive. Might need to do a CS work if I'm to get any pics to support the story though.

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My, Elijah, I fell flattered you find my little project interesting enough to give me your card. However, I have no plans for a complex Quest Mod (nor bucks to pay for your services, truth to be said).


But thank you very much anyway.



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