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Permanent Game Setting Commands


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So I was annoyed that Oblivion's cap for Armor Rating was 85, so I used the console command: setgs FMaxArmorRating 98 to make the armor cap to 98, but I have to re-input the command every time I start the game. Anyone know of a way to this permanent? Script? Mod?

Edited by Manus812
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Wrye Bash should have the option to modify the maximum armour rating. It should be listed in the Tweak Settings section by the name "Combat: Maximum Armor Rating" when rebuilding the Bashed Patch. Just remember to load the Bashed Patch last in load order. And I do not know if there are any mods that modify the same setting those need to be loaded after the Bashed Patch or those modify the setting using scripts every time the game is loaded or restarted... for example, if you use Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, it might be good to check if it has the option to change that setting somewhere in its .ini files. It surely has a lot of options available. I have not checked it myself, as I have not had the need to raise the maximum armour rating due to my characters never really using much armour and never reaching the vanilla maximum rating.


Hopefully that helps a little.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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Sounds similar to what I ran into when trying to change the cell reset timer. With some help from Lanceor I created a quest script:


ScriptName MyRespawnScript
SetNumericGameSetting ihourstorespawncell 360
and created a quest with these settings:
Quest Data tab
Quest Name - My Respawn Quest
Priority - 60
Script - MyRespawnScript
Ticked - Start Game Enabled
in my MyTweak.esp. I'm no scripter or quest creator, but I think you should be able to replace "ihourstorespawncell 360" with "FMaxArmorRating 98" and create your own MyTweak.esp using that quest and edited script. Note that SetNumericGameSetting is an OBSE command, and as such it requires OBSE to run the quest and you need to staret the CS with OBSE enabled to create the quest and ESP.


Edited by Striker879
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At it's simplest, it's a mod manager, but a better description would be it's a swiss army knife for Oblivion. You can use it to install mods, manage different save profiles (each with their own mod load list), import/export character faces and more. It's greatest and most unique ability is it's "bashed patch" ... a compatibility patch created to allow conflicting mods to co-exist. There are quite a few Oblivion mods that won't work without a bashed patch.


Used to be it had a pretty steep learning curve just to get it installed and working. Fortunately the latest versions are no longer like that. Install the standalone executable version and refer to the two HTML documents (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html, both found in the Mopy\Docs folder). Here's it's mod page: Wrye Bash.

Edited by Striker879
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