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Game Keeps detecting Hardware Settings


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So I haven't been playing my Fallout 3 for quite some time now but I would like to get back into it.


My game is heavily heavily modded so I couldn't bring myself to uninstalling it and I really don't want to start from scratch.


I tried modding Fallout New Vegas but that game just isn't for me. Fallout 3 is my absolute favorite.


So I tried starting the game up today through FOMM and instead of firing up the game it instead brought up the Fallout 3 screen (out of game) saying it will detect my hardware settings and sets it to medium quality.


Very unusual as I have Titans SLI and i7 4690K.


Even after trying to hit play it still says detecting hardware settings.


Now I just stopped myslef because it has been so long but I think I know why. I think my .ini file I had set to read only because the game kept trying to overwrite it.


If memory serves correct though I did this on purpose because the game was always rewriting my .ini, which I never had problems with before.


I will have to do some more tinkering on my end but is there anyone who has had this problem?



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Yea very weird


So my Fallout prefs was checked to read only. Unchecked it.


It will now detect my hardware settings and still set them to medium quality.


Now when I try to launch it I get a popup that says "There is already an instance of Fallout 3 running" and my GFX cards speed up.


Weird thing is there is nothing on my desktop. I have to go into the task manager to see the actual application running and end task.


Hopefully someone can help or at least lead me in the right direction.

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Fallout 3 does not run well with twin GPU or a CPU with more than 2 cores. Modded Fallout 3 does not run well if it is installed in the default ("Program Files") location.


If FOMM is activating FalloutLauncher.exe, something is wrong with the FOMM installation.

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Did you make any hardware changes at all since you last played the game? If so, you will need to allow the game to rewrite the ini so it can use the new stuff. First, rename the original ini so you will have a reference for the changes you made and may want in the new one. DO NOT just copy the old ini as that will include the information for your old hardware. Allow the game to create anew one - then manually make the changes. Yeah, it may take a while but not as long as if you choose to not do it.

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