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Allow me to explain why I need your help RIGHT NOW!


I have beaten Skyrim 20 times, played every race, every style, every quest, everything possible, I have turned to mods recently and I must say that I am very impressed with number of mods and the quality of many of them. I am very impressed with both Skyrim, and the mods except for one category. FOLLOWERS! It may just be me but I am so saddened by the followers in Skyrim except for 2: Erik the slayer, personally he’s my favorite (yes I am opinionated) and Serana. Serana is honestly one of the best parts of Skyrim, to make a character to personable and to forge such a strong connection with this character and to know that you will have each other’s back through thick and thin is something that made me love playing through this game so many more times! I have also used other followers such as Inigo, Villja, and other very popular follower mods and they did that job very well. HOWEVER, I am still disappointed by the vanilla followers in Skyrim, they were not made to last, and by the end, I would just use 1 or 2 followers almost every play through. Followers should show how useful they are to the player; they shouldn’t just be npcs that follow you around. They should be alive, seeing, have emotion, and add to your story as the hero that saves the world. Therefore, I am deciding to write up a few followers of my own. I am still in the writing stage for many of them, but here’s what I have down so far:


I currently have 3 fully fleshed out characters, with backstory, a quest, perks (these are buffs or abilities that these characters give to the dragon born, these also get progressively stronger as the player levels up) and their own personality

I have another 3 that are still being developed

My hope is that I can get about 12 unique followers. I can say with assurance that these are not just npcs, I have plans to use animals and other characters to make them just as unique


So it seems that I have this all figured out right? WRONG!!! I am very new to modding and I need help creating these characters into realities.

SO I think that it is appropriate to first choose a character and then go from there! To keep things as spoiler free as possible, I will just say their name, race, why they are in Skyrim, what they specialize in, and their personality


Option one: Vestar,

An imperial traveler coming to Skyrim to exact revenge,

He is a warrior who prefers an axe and shield

You can tell he’s inexperienced, but his eyes reveal that what he lacks, he makes up for it in drive and determination

He is so determined, that foes sometime crumple under his gaze and flee his sight


Option two: Nirav

A Breton nightblade who has come to Skyrim due to a mysterious letter he was given in High rock

He is a nightblade, a warrior that mixes the uses of magic, stealth and steel to be ready for all situations

The most noticeable thing about Nivar is that he is a mute, he cannot speak, but he has learned to communicate in other ways

His lack of speech has allowed his mind to expand on other senses, to see sounds and hear sights,


Option three: Halona

A wood elf necromage who has lived in Skyrim since she has been little

She is a very talented necromancer that gains the edge in battle by gaining powers based on who or what she raises

She is an unusually optimistic girl that tries to make everything a bit more optimistic, even raising the dead

Her happiness goes beyond the living, to even turn the dead to her side to keep her happy



My goal here is to make them fleshed out, opinionated and UNIQUE characters that enhance your experience as a player. SO Please let me know what you guys think!!! Thank you so much for reading this far! If you are reading this you are a big reason why I am doing this! Thanks again and talons guide you!!!! :laugh:


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I'm currently making a spellsword Adraen with custom disposition influenced by a variety of conversations, special features (training with him, changing follow distance, etc.), and ofc full quest awareness and lots of dialogue (thays the easy part). I'd be happy to help you find a voice actor for your followers when the time comes - I've got a lot of connections in that department.


I'd say Halona but I agree with Anikma.

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