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help cant get any save games


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i downloaded a few saved game mods and i cant seam to find it ive had to make a saves folder because i didnt have one so do i nead any other files in it


p.s. if this is in the wrong place can a admin move it and send me a pm where i am sopost to post this stuff or any one please thank you



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It's supposed to be in the Oblivion Modifications forum but someone will move this. No need to make another topic.


Now about your problem... The saves aren't stored in the normal Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. You can find it at My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves Just copy the saves you downloaded in there, and it should work. ;)

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It's supposed to be in the Oblivion Modifications forum but someone will move this. No need to make another topic.


Now about your problem... The saves aren't stored in the normal Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. You can find it at My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves Just copy the saves you downloaded in there, and it should work. ;)

thats what ive bean doing but in the saved game menu there not there :| am i sopost to go to the sewer gate and then there avalbe ?

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Yup that's the one I tried. And it worked. So... Are you SURE that you placed them in the right folder (so not in the documents\my games\Oblivion\Saves of a different account on your computer?)


Or maybe you should create a new save first so that folder exists (without you making it, so delete the save folder first), then exist, and then place the file in the save folder, which should then be created.

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Yup that's the one I tried. And it worked. So... Are you SURE that you placed them in the right folder (so not in the documents\my games\Oblivion\Saves of a different account on your computer?)


Or maybe you should create a new save first so that folder exists (without you making it, so delete the save folder first), then exist, and then place the file in the save folder, which should then be created.

its all there its on my c drive and i do all ready have saved games before i created the saves folder....maybe there on my disk


deos the file nead a save game number or some thing

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I've merged your posts Zareth - please use the Edit button beneath your post to add more, rather than double posting. Thanks.


Moving this to Modifications...

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