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Offering to help with writing scripts


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I decided that i am going to take the next month to sharpen my skills with papyrus and i thought that the best way would be through some projects. I do not mind teaching since its a good way to revise aswell, i am not a scripting guru but i am pretty comfortable with it and it feels good to help the community after all the help i got when i was starting out, so if you need some scripts written just let me know i will write them for you with pleasure.

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I do need some help with scripting with a UI mod but I doubt it's anything interesting or even challenging enough to sharpen your skills :D. I can half-read codes and makes sense of them but I can't for the life of me write them, partly because I never know where to start whenever I tried to learn. Anyway..


In my mod currently I have 128 different hudmenu.swf and 8 different map.swf to account for different UI configurations. This is only 7 options for hudmenu.swf (27) and 3 options for map.swf (23). I realize how horribly inefficient doing things this way is, and also how inconvenient it is to users when they want to change config since at the moment they would have to reinstall the mod.


What I'd love to see is an MCM configurator for hudmenu.swf and map.swf (btw none of the other HUD mods care about being wide font-friendly which why I'm doing this).


The options I'm thinking of -


  • Scaling for each HUD element - compass, sneak meter, the three bars at the bottom, dialogue, top left message, activator
  • Remove HUD element - E button and perhaps sneak meter. Mainly E button
  • Options for reticules - dot, cross etc
  • Compass tuner - options to hide or show compass elements (enemy radar, quest markers, discovered/undiscovered locations)


  • Scaling for markers
  • Colored markers just for quest markers and capital markers <-- affect compass as well (not sure if this is possible without adding new shapes into hudmenu.fla and map.fla but since the markers are just shapes with colors defined by 2 lines (eg. color=0 for the black part and color=bcbec000 for the grey part) maybe it's possible if Papyrus can do it)


Like I said it's nothing original that hasn't been done already. My thought is to slowly learn things out over the next few months anyway since my next update will probably be the last one for some time, but since you're offering I suppose it doesn't hurt to throw it out there to see if anybody's interested in making it happen faster. :D If not it's totally alright don't worry about it at all.


Oh here's the alternative instead of all the above - a script that can reposition and change the size of text fields in map.swf, and edit the tweening of enemy name's brackets in hudmenu.swf so they would start further out from the center. I suppose this would make it a lot simpler but I don't know if SKSE is capable of doing this one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i actually have a question?

i want to make a script that starts when you pick up an item let's say an ingot and on pickup it summons a dwarven spider.

i have ideas on how it kinda starts but idk how to actually write it up to work

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i actually have a question?

i want to make a script that starts when you pick up an item let's say an ingot and on pickup it summons a dwarven spider.

i have ideas on how it kinda starts but idk how to actually write it up to work

Well, the way with least setup:


Add a script to the ingot (extends whatever it tells you to extend, I can't recall what so I just put miscObject here):


Scriptname dwemerIngotSummonScript Extends MiscObject
{Summons a dwemer spider when ingot is picked up by PC, no special effects)

Actor Property DwemerSpider Auto

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
     If akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()
Creates a new one of this dwemer spider. You'll have to disable it some other way - you could also replace that Actor Property with a Spell Property, hook it up with a summon spell and then use the function Cast.
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Okay its a bit confusing on what i need to change.it just says it has doc error.

Basically if the Gold Ingot is picked up it a Dwemmer Spider is Summoned behind pc/npc then curse is never activatble again.

Script Name is DwemmerCurseScript

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Still not working here is what i am putting in and

Scriptname DwemerCursedCoinScript Extends MiscObject

Actor Property DwemerSpider Auto

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
     If akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()

it then shows an error box saying "The extends script does not exist, please pick one that does

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