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CoD Black Ops


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I had some similar issues, where my bottleneck was my CPU. The 'minimum' on the game is like bare minimum to get it even started, much less playing decently. For a real clean run, I've heard estimations in the i5/i7 quad core processors. I've got a new rig on the way, which I'm hoping will fix my issues.


Anyways, what're all are you running and do you ever have any issues with CTD or it freezing, etc?

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The top down zombie level is almost better than the rest of the game! especialy when you get the flamer.


But yes, hugely good fun.


I must admit Im something of a pyromaniac, but even still, the flamer attachment in BA is just something else. It runs out of ammo very quickly, but it's absolutely devastating at short range. Not to mention endlessly satisfying.

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Damn, did I ever have an epic game today.


I got an 11 kill streak-you know what that means: HIND/a fully pilotable attack helicoptre for me to rampage about in.


I did just that, got 12 kills by raining death from above and then reverted to human with just three kills left before the FFA score limited in my favour.


I shot one guy through the back of the head with my L-96, swung around and blew a second L-96 round through the eye of the guy my first target had been fighting, drew my ASP and finished the first guy(last stand, not worth a sniper shell) and then whirled around and ASP double headshot the guy who I'd spotted sneaking up on me with a SPAS-12.


The final killcam captured ALL of those 3, and damn it looked awesome, three kills, 6 seconds, five bullets fired.


I felt like a freakin action hero for a full five minutes, though shotgun man thought I was an aimbot. I'd seen him through my camera spike while drawing my ASP, as clear as day, but he just didnt believe me.

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Ghost Pro, Warlord Pro, Ninja Pro.


Weapons: L-96 A1 with variable zoom/extended mags. Colour: ERDL/ Secondary; ASP, no attrachments.


I favour the ASP as a sidearm for the reason of it being the easiest weapon for fast response.


It's down on power, but it can ADS and reload phenominaly quickly, has an excellent rate of fire, and little enough spread that you can fire it without ADS and still have fairly good accuracy. Overall it's by no means the best pistol in the game, but it's very useful when you need to move and act extremely quickly, EG, if you're taken by surprise, due to it's fast fire rate, fast ADS, and exceptionaly fast reload speeds.


Grenades: SEMTEX X2, Decoy X3, Camera Spike. Killstreaks: sentry gun, dogs, pilotable gunship.


My other sniper loadout is identicle, save that it's got a PSG-1/variable zoom, which is better for shorter ranged maps since it takes less time to line up a killshot.


Finaly, I cant stress enough how useful the camera is, it replaces your minimap with a second, picture in picture view of what the camera is seeing, in infrared. This gives you, literaly, a third eye. You can either use it to make sure nobody can sneak up on your sniping spot, or to see who's moving along a particular corridor. It lasts the length of the game once placed, and you can toggle your map with X, or reposition the camera with F. It's the best sniper equipment bar none, and when used with the Radar Decoy, you can set up an ambush without ever exposing yourself until the enemy is right in your ccrosshairs.

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In my view, some maps require a specific weapon, some I would go so far as to say, a specific class.


My other main advice to you is dont sit waitibng for targets scoped up. only scope when you see one. Sit, wait, nonscoped, with an eye on your rear-facing camera, this not only gives you the ability to cover two streets at once on some maps(EG Villa) but also prevents you being taken by surprise. Be vigiliant, and dont live in your scope, it's tunnel vision effect will be your doom otherwise.


Villa: Sniper heaven, the main Castro villa's top floor has about four windows that are ideal for sniping from, and give long sightlines across the plaza/fountain, pool, garage, and side entrance/gqarden spawn point. Furthermore, once you're up there, it's easy to defend since players almost always use the stairs near the pool-a camera there or at the side entrance by the plaza/fountain will mean you will see any threats coming and will have ample time to react. A second, superb sniper spot is the walkway to the forward and right of the OP-40 spawn area, hide in the shade of the buildings with a camera behind you facing back, it's the perfect place to snipe people coming out of the pool area or off the main plaza/fountain area, andw really helps a team dominate the lower sourthern area.


Nuketown: I use a speecial one off build for this one, WA-2000/ACOG. It's like the FAL on steroids, hugely accuracte, hugely powerful, but wielded like an assault rifle with an AR's easy to use, quick zooming ACOG sight. the main house windows are good positions, being easy tpo defend, but I preffer to snipe from the lawn beside the garage, since it offers the longest line of sight. Just make sure you plant a camera facing backwards, without one it's very easy to get shot in the back with this position.


WMD: the map I scored that posted triple kill on. This is probably the best sniping map there is. I preffer to snipe from the bottom of the hill, either behind the broken wall, or on the top floor of the large blue building under the 3 and 4 numbered smokestacks. It's full of great vantage points, and you'll get a lot of traffic down the main hill road, so you'll never be short of targets. I'd recomend an L-96 for this one, variable zoom is certainly a must, and I'd also avoid a silencer since you'll be firing to a fairly long range.


Grid: fairly straightforward, you'll find a superb sniping point near the generator farm to the north of the main courtyard, just north of the main hangar. Easy to defend, and you can easily pick off people coming in through the main gate or spawning in the courtyard. Just be careful to set a camera in amidst the generators, or you can easily get flanked without even knowing it.


Cracked: Another map for the WA-2000/ACOG combo. You CAN try something with a full scope here, but I'd recomend something more along the lines of an ACOG equiped M-14 or WA-2000 for this one since you've got a very wide street to cover and the wider field of view and better situational awareness of the ACOG will literaly be a lifesaver.. The best spot is on top of the crashed motor rikshaw at the end of the SOG's spawn street, or the same place on the NVA's spawn point/street. Just be wary of the area behind you, since it's very very easy to get outflanked. Lastly, if you're feeling bold, you can climb up the broken buildings near the river on the SOG side, there is a great vantage point on the third and fourth floors, but it's very exposed so you'll have to be stealthy and wait till they arent looking.


Radiation: Try the alley beside the loading dock where the Black OPs spawn in, it's got a hugely long sight line to the enemy spawn point, a good escape route, excellent cover for you, and best of all, shadows dark enough to conceal you from being seen by players at the other end, also, the roofs of the huts on either side of the openable door in the very centre of the map make good but extremelty exposed vantage points for spawncamping, use with caution.


Lastly, Array: the worst sniper map in the game, dont fall for this trap. It may have long lines of sight, but it's also got very little in the way of vantage points or defensible cover. An M-16 or M-60 is a much better choice.

Edited by Vindekarr
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