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CoD Black Ops


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Try this loadout guys, if nothing else than for fun an giggles, but me? I've found it extremely effective and lethal.


The player(what kind of player is this for)


You need: average to good reflexes, and a basic knowledge of how to close in to melee without being shot, map knowledge


Idealy you would have: Great reflexes, a fetish for knives, a knack for comic kill cam dialogue, an eagle eye for the tomahawk longshots that are the perfect side dish to this class' rampage potential..


The class; how to make it.


Equips: anything goes, but consussion/tomahawk is the ideal 'nade pack, as for your special kit, that doesnt really matter, since your basicaly pure melee with a tomahawk for a ranged attack.


Perk 1: lightweight, pro if ever slightly possible, this gives you the ability to drop on them from above for awesome NINJA'D!!! moments.


Perk 2: doesnt really need one, I'd say Sleight Of Hand for perfectionists, anything goes since you're not really going to be doing any shooting whatsoever.


Perk 3: marathon pro is your ideal choice since you'll be sprinting literaly constantly, but you COULD supp to Ninja Pro and become a true ninja in the night.


Weapons: Primary: Ballistic Knife as your secondary slot, but this is what you'll use as your main. Secondary: idealy for your gun, grab a shotty, that's the sort of range you'll be staying in and a backup to your 'hawk is always nice.


The plan: I call this, my newest insane creation, Hell's Paperboy due to this '70s street teen look of the finished product.


It's largely based on the Scout from TF2, basicaly you charge across the map at a permanent sprint, and MELEE anyone you see rather than shooting. This will not only catch most people out with shock factor, but it's also great because whenever you're holding the Ballistic Knife, your knife speed, and knife attack refire rate is almost doubled, meaning that you're unlikely to get shanked while on your manic shank-a-thon.


I dont know about you, but I've had a crazy amount of success with this guy. Most players hardly know what to do with themselves when they see it, and the AI in Combat Training is just befuddled by the very idea of a bayonette charge.


Bringing a knife to a gunfight is infact, clearly not such a bad idea, since I got four diferent 11 kill streaks out of this beasty.


Basicaly, grab the Ballistic Knife(it works just like Tactical Knife did in MW2, faster melee, bigger hits) and sprint EVERYWHERE, keep your KNIFE equiped at all times, and use your B'Knife MELEE as your main attack. Try it, you'll howl with laughter.


Lastly, make sure you dress for the occasion, you're going into all out crazy shanker mode here, so wear the right facepaint, I'd recomend Apache, Jester, or Reaper paint, and if you can bring a Tomahawk for ranged, you'll just end up laughing even more. Good funny fun.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Perk 1: lightweight, pro if ever slightly possible, this gives you the ability to drop on them from above for awesome NINJA'D!!! moments.


Perk 2: doesnt really need one, I'd say Sleight Of Hand for perfectionists, anything goes since you're not really going to be doing any shooting whatsoever.


Perk 3: marathon pro is your ideal choice since you'll be sprinting literaly constantly, but you COULD supp to Ninja Pro and become a true ninja in the night.


Go Perk 2: Steady Aim Pro. Recover from knife lunges faster :)

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Sure is, just make sure you aren't sprinting when you try to drop prone, or you'll 'dolphin dive' instead. At first, it'll be awkward, but you'll get used to it in no time. And Vinde, I took your advice and just got two games with back-to-back Dogs. That class is pro, and makes for hilarious killcams.
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OK: seeing as how much you like my "run across the map like the KoolAid Man stabbing people in the face" I've prepped two more than I myself use regularly.


Stalker and it's American variant, Ranger.


The Stalker, my chosen alternative to a sniper, is an extremely long range, high firepower infantryman build. It combines excellent stopping power, huge range, and sniper rifle accuracy, but with the added benefits of semi automatic fire, a massive mag, and the ability to fight close in with the same primary weapon you used to snipe your attacker's buddy.


The Player; required real world skills/attributes:


Need: Some degree of patience. Average eyesight. Some imagination for picking hard to reach sniping points. Enough control to fire a fully automatic weapon in single shots only. Deep pockets. you HAVE to be a pretty good shot to use this anyone with 50+ played games online will do fine. The ability to sit still and quiet.


Want: Plenty of experience with sniping. A good eye. Good hand eye coordination. Ninja like patience.


The gear; how to make it.


Primary: Either the Enfield or Commando. DO NOT USE THE FAL OR M14. You could try the G11, but it's much less accurate. Of the two, the Enfield is the better gun, but the Commando has the better scope.


Attachments: ACOG or InfraRed, whatever you shoot better with. Since they've got almost the same amount of zoom, it's really your choice. if you're new to them both, start with the cheaper ACOG. NO SILENCER(it makes these impossible to aim)


Sidearms: You get full choice here, it's your call. but I'd recomend some sort of semi automatic with an extnd mag/or a Ballistic Knife for silent, rapid CQB carnage.


Equipment: Standard sniper layout, Claymore or Camera, SEMTEX, and either decoy, concussion, or flash.


Perks: GHOST IS A MUST, YOU'LL NEED THE CAMO. Sleight of Hand is nice, maybe Scout if you use the IR. For the third, either Ninja or Marathon I'd say.


The Skills; how to play it.


Right off the bat go up somewhere high. You use this just like a sniper; using the same skills. The only diference is your gun and that is only slight. When you get a man in your scope, fire SINGLE SHOTS ONLY. Tap the trigger, perhaps twice a second, fire a burst and you'll lose the incredible single shot accuracy shared by the Commando and Enfield, and instead of the almost spreadless precision they can offer, you'll spray wildly.


The rapid TAPTAPTAP makes this handle like a BattleRifle from Halo. It's highly effective on any very open map, and is good against snipers IF you can land then first shot. Three shots will always kill if they hit, making it extremely ammo effective.


Snipe with a carbine, why?


This pack isnt for anyone. but if used well, it's punishingly effective anywhere you could snipe from normaly. The hard kick of the shots judders about a sniper's scope, preventing them from firing accurately. The firepower is also, increbile. three shots will kill, and since that is fired in an eyeblink, even semi automatic, you'll be every bit as much a killing machine as a full sniper, if not more so.


Tips and warnings: Firstly, a major warning: Be careful with the ACOG on the Enfield. it's very effective as a scope, but it's got no glare reduction, if you point it angle the lens to the sun, it becomes opaque with glare.


Take lots of time to practice vs the AI before you use this in battle. learn to fire as rapidly as you can without it becoming a burst. If you can give just a tiny break between shots, you'll get phenominal accuracy out of either of the listed weapons. The Galil can also be used but it wasnt listed because it's ACOG sight is rubbish. Maintain the element of surprise, you can easily kill people very quickly with this, before they can fire back, but make sure you get the drop on them, it makes them helpless prey.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Right, a new patch.


Let me first state that I'm really disapointed in Treyarch, they could have easily fixed the few issues by simply amping up the headshot damage on supressed snioper rifles, and applying a few bugfixes. But oh no, they had to break pretty much everything that worked and leave everything that was broken, in even worse shape.


The first gamebreaking issue is with sniper rifles. It really depends on what one you use, but this is either a godsend or doom. The PSG-1 is now completely unworkable. Powerless. Innacruate. Terrible vision blocking scope. And that's just the unmodified version. With xtnd mags, you dont get two full magazines. With a supressor it takes four shots to kill someone, that's more than a Makarov needs!


The L-96 is still king, by virtue of it being virtualy unchanged, its still #1, even though it takes two shots, even headshots, to kill when silenced.


The dragunov is still the crazy wildcard. Now with a vast starting ammo cache even bigger than some rifles, this Russian brute is now one hit kill powerful, and can fire as quickly as you can pull the trigger.D


The WA-2K is now demonicaly effective. Thanks to this patch, it's all but automatic, and has literaly NO, NO RECOIL. None. Fire two shots, no matter how close together, and they'll hit the same spot. It's a two shot kill, bit with ACOG and supressor, it's the game's quickscoping, satan spawned, alpha gun right now.


Lastly, if you add an ACOG to either of the semi auto snipers, the Drag or WA-2K, you can quickscope just like in MW2, but with even more effectiveness. The scope in time on these is incredible, and with the rate of fire and accuracy, and the WA-2K's gttiched lack of any recoil whastoever, it's a helluva combo.


Now, for another bit of news: the knife; lunges just dont work so good anymore. And it;'s really kind of annoying. Most of the time you may aswell just shoot people now, because if you swing your knife, it's about 3 seconds before you can stab again. And what's worse, according to treyarch "more significant knife changes are on the way" ad if you've been keeping an eye to the news broadcasts, the suggestion is that knives will become a two or three hit kill, and have lunge removed completely.


But the real break? Combat Training. The problem here isnt dificulty, it's glitches. The AI, 9 times out of ten, kills you by sneaking up behind you and shooting you through a wall from the other side of the battlefield. Face to face, they're still helpless, but when they glitch, nothing can stop them. Afterall, you cant kill something that's shooting at you through three walls, and can see you through said walls.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Well, I'm just going to walk away frankly. Trey-Acti has had a chance, more than a chance, to fix the problems the game has, and it's pretty clear they arent going to. Since I'm enjoying this even less now after the patch, I'm off to BFBC2.


But first, one last odd build.


The post patch covert quickscoper.


Now that the patch has messed up Sniper Rifles, in particular, the already pretty messed up- WA-2000, I've found you can now make this ninja of a build. Probably the quietest quiet kill build possible.


The skills you need: Patience, a steady hand, a level head, and a bit of map knowledge-this one's most effective hitting from behind or above.


The skills you want: Excellent cool under pressure, a degree of imagination, mastery of Shinobido, the way of the Ninja. :ninja:


The tools: Prime: WA-2000. And only the WA-2000 will do, you'll want the low recoil/mega power. Attachments: suppressor, ACOG. Sidearms: Ballistic Knife(for meleeing at hyper speed, it wasnt patched like the regular knife and gives you a massive advantage at short range) Tomahawk, flashbangs/decoys, and a claymore or C-4.


The perks: Ghost/lightweight. Sleight of hand/Steady Aim. Ninja Pro is absolutely required. With it you gain hyper sensitive audio sensors, and your movement and voice is totaly silent.


Why? because when you get behind somebody, this is unstoppable. The WA-2K plays the same SFX as the SPAS when fired silenced, so you'll really throw your enemy off since they'll be looking for a shotgunner, not a sniper. Furthermore it's power is excellent, it's accuracy faultless, and it has no recoil.

Dont think this is going to be a doublepost, but if it is, I'll ask for the double to be removed. I only say because firefox bugged out when I posted the original article, so thus it returns in more gently worded format now. Firefox, dont fail me again.

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