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Oblivion Flying Mod!


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There is a levitating mod somewhere on this site. And you can ''fly'' with the console, by tipping tfl I think. Dont remember exactly.
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tcl but it has the negative effect of making you pass through things!


Tell me about it. I used it to go atop of White Gold Tower, and whatcha now, when I disable it, I fall trough the tower all the way down. Then I found out my last save was about 1-2 hours ago.

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Hi, Im new at this game and i love it:)

But today i downloaded Alexanders Wings and cant fly:S

Is there an flying mod to oblivion?


Thanks, OH.


Here it is : http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=4094 . THAT spell makes you fly, the wings are just a cool costume part (that dont have any effect on you) I usually equip them when i fly, theyre just accesories to look cool nothing more... The spell, though is the one i use for flying. sorry i got you confused :blush:

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As far as I know there isn't a flying mod that keeps you off flying through all and everything. For the case that I'm wrong please correct me and post a link to a true flying mod. ^^

I'm using the cliffracer thing, but as it said in the readme only when I'm outside cities or something. And as you have to stay in the sky for 60 secounds, I find it a little hard to control your character, so it might not fall off the map. :)

I guess to get it to work, so you'll never fly through anything anymore you'll need to use another maths mod in combination to the flightspell. But I don't think somebody will ever do it, as it should be more than just a bunch of work.

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The problem with flying and levitation, as has been posted before, is that each city - and in the IC each part of the city - is in a separate cell. When you use the gates you teleport but if you 'fly' over a wall there is nothing on the other side of it. It is possible to use tcl to 'fly' around a city but only up to a certain height. Above that level what you see from above bears little resemblance to what is on the ground.


As Tiberiu discovered when he tried to land on top of the White Tower, it isn't there and you plummet to the ground.


It would have been possible to put in a limited levitate spell and perhaps that was originally intended. At Fort Linchal for example there is a large collection of gemstones placed as an offering to a statue in a niche in one of the exterior walls. I cannot see a way to reach this legitimately - although I suppose anyone with very high acrobatics might be able to leap there. (If anyone knows please tell me.)


But such a spell would have to limit height above ground and be unusable within a specified radius of city walls both inside and out. Too much hard work.

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At Fort Linchal for example there is a large collection of gemstones placed as an offering to a statue in a niche in one of the exterior walls. I cannot see a way to reach this legitimately - although I suppose anyone with very high acrobatics might be able to leap there. (If anyone knows please tell me.)


How about using telekinesis? Or shooting a large area effect fireball?

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It's getting a bit off topic but I suppose it is loosely connected with levitation. There are several places in the game that it seems to me you cannot reach without levitation. These gems are invisible from the ground. There is the War Axe of Seduction in Fort Hastrel and the area above the gulch in Bellator's Folly (several bamdits and two chests but no way up). There is a Master Chest behind the upper throne in Sancre Tor but no access to it.


I can understand putting in areas that cannot be reached to cause an element of frustration but why place unique or valuable items there?


With the gems and perhaps the axe in Fort Hastrel, high acrobatics skills MIGHT work but by the time the skills are that high you wouldn't need the items!


The axe is available from the start and has a soul trap on strike enchantment. Useful for someone starting out maybe but not later on.


I wonder if the items were put in and forgotten about?

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