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I come not to praise Ceasar but to Bury Him


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At Lvl 20 something I could probably clear the entire camp with my new sword from Moraelin. Why are the Legion so poorly armed, really, junkies in New Vegas have plasma weapons and Caesar's body guard have crappy smgs! No wonder they take pride in their toughness, they have to fight with pointed f**king sticks.


Legion have a huge anti-technology bent, they think it makes everyone else weaker or something. Of course that doesn't stop Caesar from being a hypocrite by wearing a Displacer Glove and having the autodoc.


I see, that would account for the looks of disgust I got when I pulled out the Fat-Man! I'm wearing Hellfire Armour and your all wearing little skirts, do the math :down:

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I like them without their ballistic fists. Those things are so overpowered that it isn't even funny. If you go into Caesar's tent hostile, they will tear you a new rectum. Also, to the guy that said "not kai-sar", uh...that's the traditional, non-English pronounciation of Caesar. Aka the more authentic one. That's why Legion, and Arcade, I believe, use it. Anyway, making Caesar's armor faction-tagged was a big mistake from Obsidian. The only way you get it, as someone else said, is by taking it off his giblets, so why would NCR shoot the famous Courier, killer of Caesar, future ruler of NV, and all-around-badass, for wearing it?
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Really?...Hmm didnt know that...So The original Romans said Kai-sai and not Caesar?...

Maybe the NCR dont know what Caesar looks like?...I dunno...but I dont like the armor so it doesnt really bother me...


as for the Praetorians?...hmmm usually without a head or crispy...

But Ill tell you I hate the bastards! they killed Boone when I wasnt looking...


I was positioning Caesars body on hs throne for a screenshot and one flys through the doors and punches Boones face off...so yeah...didnt see that coming...

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  • 1 month later...
I didn't need any special weapons to kill the whole camp. Boone with his Scoped hunting rifle and Dragonskin armor. And me with the Anti Material Rifle and Dragonskin Armor. Oh and Rex was with us. Rex is awesome :D
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I went along with him until I got the chip back and went down to the bunker. I did what House wanted there and when I got back up I killed everyone in the bunker. For some reason this did nothing to my standing in the camp. They were still friendly. I came out of the bunker with all my weapons and went straight up to Ceasar's tent and killed everyone. Started with some C4 that took most of them down. Funny that you can walk around dropping C4 at their feet and they do absolutely nothing. Then I went out and Ed-e and I mopped up the rest of the camp. I was surprised at how little effect this had on the overall outcome of the game. The action was barely acknowledged. If that happened for real, one guy walking into the much feared enemy camp, taking everyone out, and walking out without a scratch, the world around him would either run in fear or want to be his best friend. Instead I still have people ordering me around and pumping attitude in my direction. Don't they realize there is a god in their presence, an unstoppable force that could wipe them all out with a simple wave of my hand? I guess not because they went on like nothing happened. Kind of anti-climatic to say the least. These games never have adequate reactions programmed for the insanely drastic actions that are possible.
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