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Vanilla Game Museum / Collector's Display


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So I would like to request a mod that adds a place for you to display everything have collected throughout the game. I know there is mods that are simply just large cells with tons of mannequins and weapon racks or the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod.


But the thing about the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod is I really don't want all the extra stuff it adds from other mods, or the quest, etc.


While the thing about mods with just a ton of racks and mannequins is I am woefully uncreative and terrible at laying out things to make them look aesthetic.


So I would like to see a mod where I can put armors, weapons, clothes, artifacts I have collected in a predetermined spot that looks nice. Kind of like the secret vault in Aemer's Refuge mod... only problem I had with the Aemer's Refuge mod was it didn't accept less important things like your Thane Weapons, etc...

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Although I'm sure it would take me a great deal of time, if you can provide a list of what items you consider to qualify for this, I think I know just enough scripting to give it a go. I'll peek at Aemer's Refuge for layout ideas.


Be warned, though; I'm working on several other mods right now, also, so it wouldn't get my full time.

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Well what I would like to see is basically every set of armor and weapon matched up with their proper tiers, special named quest rewards, etc... but I doubt anyone has the time or patience to do all of that...


So things I would qualify is just special artifacts that you get from quests as rewards or other named items you picked up along the way. Like the Saarthal Amulet, the Thane weapons, Daedric Artifacts, Harkon's Sword, etc...

Another good reference point is the Sjel Blad Castle vaults.


I wouldn't mind waiting, something is better than nothing. But yeah thanks alot!

Edited by Havenost
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