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What kind of glitches and bugs have you found?


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I had the same thing with a minigun i gave him, reloaded to a previous save and watched him, and saw him throw it away at one point. Reloaded again, same thing again, when i went to pick up the minigun, i noticed it was broken (worn) to the point where it couldn't be used, so he must have tossed it aside.

Possibly what happened to your missing chainsaw?


That could be the issue. Weapons and armour aren't supposed to degrade when companions use them, although I suppose that's the problem with the glitch. I have also had lots of vats errors, massively long slowdowns and such. I don't like the annoying ones which cancel out any shots you make in vats, because occasionally you can hit something dead on several times and the target doesn't lose any helath!


And as for the vault 11 thing, yeah that's true, I noticed the dead victor and hostile robots when I returned to the lucky 38, but I wasn't sure if it was related at the time! Very annoying! I had a weird one where it completely locked me out of the Strip too, even though I passed the caps value check right at the very start of the game. It just locked, saying I'd need a key to open it. Luckily I had a save not very far away.

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@Trueform i had that bug too... just assasinate one of the securitrons and loot the key... you wont get karma shift or reputation shift if you just kill one... make sure you are not seen by the other securitrons... or use the train at McCarren if you dont want to do this...


i have been trying to talk to james garret to start atomic wrangler quest line and to finish talent pool quest line... for some reason he never leaves his room... and when i enter his room he attacks me for breaking in... or if im able to stealth in he will NOT talk to me because i broke in... *sigh*


another bug i have recently experienced is the quest involving joana and carlito... (forgot quest name)... after talking to joana the first time... i head to carlito then head back to joana telling her that carlito is alive and wants to help her escape... afterwhich i have to return to carlito... and HES GONE!!! the quest marker points to his room and his bed but hes not there... gee thanx...


i have also experienced the companions dissappearing... in this case Cass and/or Rex... had to reload to previous saves

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I haven't had too many issues with bugs, just the occasional (and Expected, if you played fo3 or oblivion) things falling through the object they're sitting on. My one beef is with companion AI. as some people mentioned above, companions will go through grand measures to avoid the most ridiculous things. passing through the NCR checkpoint outside primm i walked straight down the middle of the road, and after stepping over a curb (no jump needed), watched my companions turn around, walk back to the checkpoint, go up, around, over the bridge into primm, all the way through primm to the back exit, then all the way around back over to me. While occasionally amusing, it sucks to turn around and find you're companions gone, and have to back track to find either where they got hung up in a doorframe, or decided your path wasn't good enough and detoured through a neighboring deathclaw den.
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Game Design bugs:


1 ) Caesar's Armor is faction tagged, The only way to get this armor is to kill Caesar or to let him die (by intention) so . . . its a design bug that you can't wear this armor as a social trophy


2 ) The Remnant soldiers at the ending battle can only support NCR - they should be able to support any faction except the Legion. With special attention to possibly working with the "Wild Card" faction.


3 ) seems that weapons that eat up more than one energy cell (any type) for a single shot can produce at most ONE drained item per shot. In an extreme case, 45 went in, one came out.


4 ) Alien Blaster has NO possibility of recycling energy cells


5 ) Companions seem to generate NO recycling/spent shells.


6 ) primers are far to rare in this game to justify the coding costs to implement reloading !!!


7 ) all weapon upgrade mods are expensive and random - aka very RARE - if you don't buy when you find them, they may never be seen again (practically speaking)


8 ) why can't campfire recipes be used on stoves?

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Boon will no longer use his default rifle. He uses other ranged weapons ok but not his.


I have this same issue...reading elsewhere it seems if you ever have him carry ammo somehow his "special" ammo for his rifle resets to the ammo he's carrying and when you remove the ammo somehow he interprets his gun having no more ammo so no longer uses it. Wish I knew what ammo his rifle took (xxx?) as I could at least get him ammo. As it is, have just given him another rifle with ammo as otherwise he runs after things with his fists :(

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The only really annoying glitch i've had is sometimes when i enter VATS it hangs up on me for about four or five seconds before picking targets.. I had a similar issue in FO3 but it was due to an inferior laptop. Now i own a souped up M15x so i know it's not the graphics.
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Playing a vanilla game with the Caravan Pack DLC and that's it. No player-made content loaded.


*Leveling for the quests are wrong. Complete one stage of a quest and the reward exp forces two level advances.

*Leveling for encounters is wrong. At second level I fought a group of Fiends. I died three times. Looking in the GECK, the qualifiers aren't set and allows 12th level enemies to spawn starting at 1st level play.

*The exit door scripts for the casinos to return the weapons to the player's inventory will not fire with the autosave on exit option enabled 100% of the time. I exited Gomorrah and my weapons were not returned to my inventory. I disabled autosave on exit and played a previous save. The weapons were returned but the script for that is just BAD. It could have been done a lot cleaner.

*Lots of missing dialogue and NPCs not saying their lines. This is really bad when the current quest can't advance UNLESS THE TOONS say their freak'n lines.

*The cells are unfinished. In some instances there is landscape tile and that's it. No rocks, no scrub, nothing. The interiors are just boring.

*The sighting animations for the firearms are WAY off. The weapons block the target and I'm FORCED to use the buggy VATS system just to shoot something. It is almost like the devs have never held a real firearm or fired one.


Everything else I've had to deal with has already been covered in previous posts. To me, this is a DEV version of a game and it is almost unplayable. I use the console almost as much as I use the action keys.

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