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UN-tidy Recipe List


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I would like to be able to see ALL the recipes I have, even if I don't have all/any of the parts. More than a few times I have accidentally discovered new recipes that used a nontraditional part because I just happened to hit the crafting station before dropping off my loot.


Is there some little line of script or something that could be added or removed or changed to prevent things being hidden?

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You would need to edit the ESP/ESM of each mod that provides or modifies a recipe and remove any condition restrictions on the ConstructibleObject forms.


Take care when doing so. Some are purposefully hidden until certain points in the game. Allowing them to be available from the start can ruin the balance of gameplay.

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Thank you very much. I had no idea where to even begin. I have looked at several guides but couldn't find this specific info.



I'm not worried about balance because I have self control. I just want to know what all is possible, and the parts I need to bring to the crafting station, not to use/make OP stuff.

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