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Player and or NPC's reactions to low HP


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I think it would be an interesting and immersive feature for player's and or npcs to do certain actions depending on how low their hp is.

A few Examples:


1.) If hp is at say 30% or less then it will cause occasional random staggering animations, including the one seen from when the greybeards greet you as dragonborn.


2.) If hp is lower than that, say 10% or whenever you can hear your heartbeat, then it will cause you to have a chance at falling to the ground ragdolling (as if you were drunk) when you are walking or running around.


3.) Creating whole new Idle, Walking, and Running animations for whenever you health drops down to a certain point (say 40% or less?).


I'll probably come up with a few more examples but as of now, this is a start.



Edited by Darkfoot
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Like in Fallout NV, When legs are crippled, the player and or npc will have new walking and running animations showing that there legs are indeed crippled.


So in this case, Skyrim, when one is at the brink of death or seriously injured, it should show.


I'll probably end up having to create this mod myself, but as of now I know nothing about using the CK to create new animations

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