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Will Bethesda release a stand alone version ?


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It should be noted that achievements are disabled whenever you use mods or console commands, so the likelihood of someone in this forum finding this feature useful is extremely low. Nevertheless, given that "achievements" are controlled through Steamworks, it's highly unlikely that Bethesda will release a version without Steam, though I'm positive it is possible.


The likelihood that it will become easily possible to circumvent is high low. See:




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It should be noted that achievements are disabled whenever you use mods or console commands.


No it doesn't with mods, Stop spreading false Information. I got a recent achievement with modded content, and there was absolutely no problem.


With console commands however, that one is questionable.

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It should be noted that achievements are disabled whenever you use mods or console commands.


No it doesn't with mods, Stop spreading false Information. I got a recent achievement with modded content, and there was absolutely no problem.


With console commands however, that one is questionable.


AFAIK entering a console command disables Achievements for that play session. You can re-enable achievements by closing the game and starting it up again.

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People will just have to accept that as Steam becomes more popular, more and more companies will put their releases on it.



I disagree. We should not be required to subscribe to some online money making scheme in order to play new games when they are released. It's not crying, and if you don't understand the point of the original post then either you have trouble understanding the English language or you simply have so much money sprouting from your bodily orifices that such obvious attempts to milk gamers for their gaming dollars are irrelevant to you. I'm not a wealthy person myself, so I guess that makes me an anti-Steam crybaby too.


You don't have to pay valve a cent to play fallout: NV.


Or MW2 for that matter. Or any non-valve game that uses steam.

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I disagree. We should not be required to subscribe to some online money making scheme in order to play new games when they are released. It's not crying, and if you don't understand the point of the original post then either you have trouble understanding the English language or you simply have so much money sprouting from your bodily orifices that such obvious attempts to milk gamers for their gaming dollars are irrelevant to you. I'm not a wealthy person myself, so I guess that makes me an anti-Steam crybaby too.


You don't have to pay valve a cent to play fallout: NV.


Or MW2 for that matter. Or any non-valve game that uses steam.

Unless you buy the game direct from Steam of course, in which Valve gets a cut. (But then and only then.)
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It should be noted that achievements are disabled whenever you use mods or console commands.


No it doesn't with mods, Stop spreading false Information. I got a recent achievement with modded content, and there was absolutely no problem.


With console commands however, that one is questionable.


Sorry about that. I was just using wiki as the authority, but apparently that was incorrect. I'd have never noticed achievements unless I had looked it up in the wiki.

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Well here's an issue with steam to consider, Not everyone with a computer is connected to the Goddamn Internet!


99% plus of the people here in this board are, I have been for the last ten months since I paid a small fortune for a satellite connection to my remote mountain village. But not everyone is.


Had FO3 been 'steamed' then I would have got to play it sometime around February 2010. Software companies that assume we all live in urban conurbations with broadband should wake up and smell the skinny triple latte! We do not all live in LA!

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Well here's an issue with steam to consider, Not everyone with a computer is connected to the Goddamn Internet!


99% plus of the people here in this board are, I have been for the last ten months since I paid a small fortune for a satellite connection to my remote mountain village. But not everyone is.


Had FO3 been 'steamed' then I would have got to play it sometime around February 2010. Software companies that assume we all live in urban conurbations with broadband should wake up and smell the skinny triple latte! We do not all live in LA!


To be fair, this argument applies to pretty much every major PC game released in the last three years or so, with a few notable exceptions.

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TC is right...........Steam sucks. Just because it requires you to activate and register a game you've purchased. When you buy a car or washer, you don't have to register them with a third party service provider so you can drive them or wash your clthes in them. I can see it if you purchase the game from them, but not when it''s a store bought copy.
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