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_n.dds files


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OK, I can modify mods to include my own .dds texture files, but how do I generate the corresponding _n.dds files for them?

That depends on what program(s) you you have. If you use GIMP (free), you'll need the NormalMap plugin for it. I don't recommend that one. I installed it once and GIMP never worked again, even after uninstal/reinstall. If you use Paint.net (also free), you will need the NormalMap or NormalMap Plus plugins. If you use Photoshop (costs an arm, a leg and some parts you may prefer to keep), you will need the NVidia DDS plugin.

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Photoshop (costs an arm, a leg and some parts you may prefer to keep),


It may be more affordable if you look to see if someone has an older version for sale or maybe the plugin will work with Photoshop Elements. Sometimes you can get a cheap version free with a purchase. If I remember correctly, a version of Photoshop Elements came on the disk with my Wacom tablet years ago.

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