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Ghillie suits!


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I have been asking for ghillie suits as well. If I ever get the time to, I am going to sit down and learn how to use GECK/Nifscope/Blender and make a ghillie suit as well as other mods. From what I hear 1. As soon a FOOK and other Major mods are ported over, there will be a flood of mods in which I am sure a ghillie suit will apear. 2. People are already working on making a ghillie suit for FNV. Hope I could help and like I said, I have been waiting too man.
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That is the vid I saw and I hope someone does that ghillie, but no offense to whoever made the ghillie, it needs a touch up. Anyways, I have asked for a CoD4 style ghillie and I think that it is in the works. We will see what happens.
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This may be a really stupid suggestion given my lack of modding experience, but why cant someone simply port the model and textures from a game that has gillie suits like Modern Warfare 2 then use GECK to make it an equipable item or whatever?
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Oh and maybe even have it add to your stealth so it actually works.


For a few reasons

Its pretty hard to get Mw2 textures

and even if they can find them it would be illegal to use them as they are copyrighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yes.. but i got some but i would like to be converted for my own use... hopefully i dont get banned for mentioning it.

Its okay to use them as long as you don't upload them or share them.

Since you have modern warfare 2 you are free to use the game and its assets as long as you are not sharing any of their copyrighted material.

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