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My other hobby (besides gaming) is writing fiction, so I tend to get very into my characters. Right down to sticking with crappy gear even when upgrading would make the game much easier, because my character wouldn't be so willing to part with the gun that her father gave her the day she left home to seek her fortunes as a courier. I don't go for ultra-realism because the character is the goal, not replicating life minute for minute... a novel doesn't provide record of every sandwich the hero eats, so it doesn't need to be shown in the game.


I generally run through a game once with a thrown-together character to get a feel for the game and explore the story, then on subsequent playthroughs build a specific character with a specific personality and have their course through the game charter out before starting.


My Lone Wanderer was mostly brash, impulsive, and standoffish but generally kind-hearted; she was true Chaotic Good with a healthy dose of righteous fury. Long-term consequences meant nothing whatsoever- if someone was naughty in her sight, they snuffed it unless there was an immediate reason not to pull the trigger (like with the Overseer, whose death would have hurt Amata more than his brutality did). What she did at Evergreen Mills and Paradise Falls would probably have turned the stomach of a Super Mutant, and she'd resolved to murder her way through Raven Rock even before the President's little disagreement with his minions. Growing up in the black-and-white morality of Vault 101 (further compounded by the events surrounding her escape, which forced her to come up with her own moral code in a hurry) really gave her a narrow view on a world of gray- while she wouldn't blow someone's head off for petty thieving, she'd most certainly do so for anything more serious. She favored sniper rifles for the implementation of her "shoot first, ask questions never" school of justice, but always had a pistol ready for if she had to get in talking distance of a bad guy.


My Courier seems to be taking a different direction... she's still firmly on the good side of things, but is much more circumspect... less likely to just see evil and immediately blow its brains out, more likely to seek a more indirect solution that won't expose her to possible retaliation. She's more able to see the long view, and can (with some self-loathing) make herself walk away from a bad situation when she knows her interference will make matters worse (i.e. can't pass a critical speech check). She doesn't automatically mark someone for death just because they seem shady; she didn't even try to get even with the Khans who Benny hired and later brought them in as allies. Everyone does what they have to in order to get by; as long as they don't act with unnecessary cruelty she'll let a lot of things slide (no funeral, no foul is her motto except where things like slavery or torture are concerned). She favors shotguns because, if there's shooting to be done, it'll probably be when negotiations break down and everyone hostile will be in close quarters... her rifle is only a necessity of wasteland life because there are some critters too dangerous to allow into buckshot range.


I could keep going, but you get the idea. The amount of wiggle room for filling in character history is part of what makes sandbox-style RPGs so much fun for me. It lets me combine two hobbies into one.

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I dont RP, though I'm thinking of trying to be realistic. Maybe finding out how to limit my carry capacity, and only carry a pistol and a rifle playing Hardcore on Hard for a playthrough. Would be a nice challenge =o


Well.. not that you mention it, I guess I RP a little bit in my head, but its not too deep really. Just crap I think about while playing.

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Way i see it,anyone not Rping is losing out. Imagination can make a game so much more interesting. My first start out, The character i created continued the role of my FO3 character. Since i'm into modding the game,i also tweaked the wasteland a bit so it would resemble my characters achievements and reputation. I also added a storyline with small quest. It just really gets to me that i can't continue to play after i beat the game!!.. ( i just beat the game for the first time about a half hour ago)...OH!..but how there is so much more modding to do...
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Well ..think about it. They spend so much time making a game that offers absolute freedom and various ways to take over the wasteland but it all boils down to a good ending that puts everything in it's place and your stuck with a credit roll that redirects you to the main menu. To me it seems a waste..and anyone who has been a fan of the previous fallout game would have expected a continuation especially after seeing bethesda make a DLC just to add gameplay after beating fallout 3. This game has so many quest and areas to explore that unless you are a hardcore fanatic,have absolutly no chance at finding in one playthrough. You can still have a good narrative ending without actually ending the gameplay.
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