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I need a Summonable Dump Chest.


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This mod may be what you are looking for for your sorting issues: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50589/?


they do have weight but if you keep them at home they will really help with sorting. plus you can put these storage containers into storage containers if you want to.

Edited by ZZZ02
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" Player.removeallitems [insert auto sort chest id]. " <--( does that really work.? ) I might not even need a mod if I can console cowboy my way around the problem.

Only problem is if you don't have an auto sort chest from a mod that chest that you put everything into will take forever to open/load... not to mention whenever you try to put anything into it or remove from it manually it will take forever to just get that one thing.

Though just be careful once you start doing this cause your save games will get really bloated... cause my save games are on average are 22-30 MB cause I have like 2 million pounds of stuff I have hoarded. Cause I use to have my auto harvest mod loot everything (weapons, armor, etc... off of dead bodies) so I can just sell it later... then I realized I will never get around to selling all that junk and I don't even need the gold if I do.

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