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Mod Request Mega Thread (MRMT) I


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Well might as well jump the bandwagon. head sup besides the request itself I will post a link to the original requests since somepeople provided some brilliant ideas of their own in them.

Blades of Arkay
Original post:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2889874-blades-of-arkay/

The whole idea was to add a pair of enchantments (and eventually a pair of blades) befitting a warrior of Arkay, built to fight both necromancers and their undead. The request was about the possible adition of darkness/shadow element that woudl do the revers eof sun damage, aka massive damage to living beings and living beings only.

Daedric Armory
Original post:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2896609-daedric-armory/

The vanilla Daedric armour is nothing more than daedra-imbued ebony armour, at least lore-wise. So why not a daedric variant for each material available? Thanks to the ancient knowledge perk a Daedric Dwemer armour could have a n even higher armour rating than normal Daedric.

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First things first before before you read / look at the reason for necro'ing this thread: I'm surprised this thread has done so well since the first post. So let the mod requests resume!


Awesome Medieval Plate Armor (Black)


This is a suit of Medieval armor. If what I know about armor of the period is correct, this is an Italian set from some time in the 1500th Century. I LOVE the look and colors on this set. A modder already made a dark set of armor that looked pretty cool (I'm referring to this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36111/? ), so why not again? I think with the skills and assets the Modders of here and now have, this could be done reasonably soon (Modders are humans, too).







Hey guys! If anyone Needs a newbie modder for adding some simple stuff (but with good style) or simple Navmeshing / lightning and / or writing ingame books or stuff
pls let me know; i would be gratefull to contribute to a Team and also learn more about skyrim modding; could also use TS3 / Skype or other messengers for real time conference to get things done... i am 26 and have just finished my first mod (Hanor´s House).


would be nice to hear of you! :blush:

Peace and fun! :cool:

Yes! Modders are coming! Plan success!

Edited by Zuppon
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I've no specific ideas for mods, but I think that the swishing capes/cloaks effect of HDT is far too underused in favour of the less SFW bouncing. I'd love to see just a couple more coats or cloaks or robes that use physics. Even something as simple as a generic RL longcoat, likehttp://img.banggood.com/images/upload/2012/xiemeijuan/SKU078697-3.jpg

would be fantastic (though ideally, something more elaborate - maybe AC-inspired? - would look better).

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