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Trying to get realism mods


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Hey dudes.


I find Vanilla Skyrim appalling... It feels like the lazy kids self esteem hotline... Everything is designed to make the player the center of attention and babies the player so they can essentially finish any part of the game at a low level. I find that not only excessively boring, but an insult to my intelligence...


So, I am gathering pre-existing mods to make the bulk of what I am aiming for, and I would hope that someone can help me fill in the gaps.


At this moment.






Either Realistic Needs & Diseases or Imps More Complex Needs (havent made up my mind yet)


Skyrealism: is an overhaul project that comes in modular forms to let you pick and choose aspects. At the moment im liking the Capacity and Encumberance aspects. Crafting looks good to but im not sure what is the best crafting system to go with.


Dead Body Collisions:




Combat Realism: For this I am having some trouble, a huge aspect of Skyrim that is seriously broken in my mind is the combat system. Combat realism works to make all weapons and armor truly realistic where one good hit will kill you or bring you very close to death. Example


Combat Evolved: Along with weapon and armor realism AI and behavior are going to be essential. I see this one and like it at face value, but I dont really know what else there is out there. This is one of those 'blind spot' areas that I just dont have the mental where-with-all to investigate without getting light headed and start stressing out about it. For this I guess I just need help from people who have had experience with different mods to help show the way.


Faster Arrows:


Perks: I have absolutely no idea how to go about altering the perks, I have seen several mods offer overhauls to the perk system and when I look at various mods like the combat overhauls, I really dont know what the perks are going to do when everything is changed. I mean say I like Combat Realism which I think it made perk changes but not really sure. But at the same time I like a mod specifically designed to change perks, can I get both of those to work together? Its stuff like this that give me dizzy spells because I just dont know how to comprehend that kind of stuff.


I guess im out of time for the night. Ill be back to fill in more of what ive found later. Basically this isnt me just asking for something, im offering something at the same time. I want to make the ideal game for realism in all aspects. If people dont like my purist ways that fine, dont do everything i say just listen to what I have to say xD.


My last thought for the night. Health Stamina Magicka, I saw in Requiem that Health did not regenerate on its own and stamina was more critical in combat. I would really appreciate someone helping me find a mod that makes them realistic, and if they dont exist then I would really appreciate someone making one. I like the notion of Food being not only necessary for life, but then also offering buffs as well, like RN&D had foods that increased health or restored stamina, my favorite was a stew that boosted health and carry weight. The twist was that you could only get those effects outside of combat, which made it more interesting.


I guess thats all for tonight, i hope people take an interest in this.


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I'm working on a mod where I'm taking request for various tweaks. I've added weight to gold and removed gold and gem loot from most animals. Its too easy to get rich in the game without doing any hard work to get it. At least I find.

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I'm working on a mod where I'm taking request for various tweaks. I've added weight to gold and removed gold and gem loot from most animals. Its too easy to get rich in the game without doing any hard work to get it. At least I find.

I agree, in that respect I like Skyrealism with its Capacity and Encumbrance modules. They operate together under the principle that you can only realistically carry so much weight, and you can only carry so much on your person without the baggage to store it all. It gives you a base CW of 50 which is MCM adjustable, I want to set it to 20 or 30 because clothing only has so many pockets. Then Encumbrance has a system with a base encumbrance of 100 MCM adjustable. With this you actually have a speed boost of 10% until you get to that amount then it penalizes you for carrying more weight.


Look into those systems, it makes the experience much more realistic for looting at forces the player to really think and choose what they want to take rather than just loading everything they find.



As for your mod im kind of leery of broad sweeping mods, I have found that using overhauls tends to give unexpected and unpredictable changes.


For animals dropping gold and gems, ducks are actually known to eat gold nuggets and hunters have found gold in their stomachs because they look a lot like fish. So it would stand to reason that birds like ducks and some fish would have gold or gems in their belly because they see the glimmer and think its something to eat.


This looks like a simple gold weight mod with nothing else attached that I want to run with. One thing though that I need to request from someone is weighted arrows of 0.1lb that actually appears on the item. If the item itself registers as having weight then the Capacity/Encumbrance will treat it as an equipped item and subtract the weight from capacity. From the various mods ive seen I havent seen one that actually dubs the weight to the item itself.



And just to be clear, im not putting your mod down, it looks neat on the whole, I am just personally leery of broad reaching mods. For example, you are adding animals, later on I intend to look into animals and get the right build for wildlife. What ever I find for that will likely clash with yours and cause trouble. So if anything I endorse your mod, just not for me specifically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed one thing when adding weight to gold does get a bit bother-some over time. When you add weight it changes how you pick up. Gold it asks you how much you wish to loot rather than auto-collecting all gold. While this is good when your close to being encumbered it can become a bit tedious if your using a keyboard. I've started using an XBOX controller and its helped a lot with situations like this.


I removed gold and gems from most animals because 80% of the time it would put a number of gold and gems on small enemies. For instance wolves i have it where they occasionally have rings in them, rather than a pouch of gold or soul gems (which are quite large). Also bears do have gold coins in them occasionally still. But For the much smaller animals it wouldn't make much sense to me anyways considering the size of gold septims and soul gems in comparison to the girth of the prey and small predator throats.Septim being the size they are, I wouldn't put on a fox or hare. Though i must say this was mostly done to increase the challenge of looting. Since you could become rich very quickly and easily with coins found inside animals in the vanilla game. My focus is more for the hunting aspect; the money comes from the trading of furs and ivory with merchants after a good hunt.


And I understand the mod I'm working on may not be for everyone as it will cover many areas. I've recently removed the entire Silver Smithing skill tree add-on due to the crafting overhauls out there.

I may take a look at an isolated weighted arrow and bolt system. Though I noticed if you make something the weight of 0.001 or 0.01 it won't show it has any weigh value in the inventory even though it does have a slight weight to it. I think i actually seen a mod that uses weighted arrows, can't recall where on here but it was something like "Limited arrows"? I could be wrong.

Edited by Teabone3
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