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[REQ] Daily Jobs Mod


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This is an idea I saw over at the official New Vegas forums and it sounds like it could end up being one of the best mods out there if done right. Anyhow, I had this idea after guarding the silver rush with Simon.


Does anyone else wish they had included a daily job system. like a little mini mission that you could do daily (or weekly in some cases) to help bring in the caps?


Just a couple ideas for some jobs that could turn out being very fun-



Store Guard- (like for the silver rush) you stand outside of a store confiscate peoples weapons. making sure undesirables dont enter


Drug Dealer- you are given a definition of the person you are dealing too. look around the area and make sure you pick the right person (or someone might turn you in)


Caravan Guard- you walk with the caravan to its destination, protecting it from harm on the way there


Casino Bouncer-Like Store guard except you have to find the problems and handle them. only weapons given to you by the casino are permitted to be used while bouncing.


Courier- like caravan guard, but you are alone and there is a time limit.


Hunter- Go out and collect a certain amount of meat from certain animals for a settlement. This could be included in every town and each one could request meat from animals that live in the nearby areas.





Those are just a couple ideas and to give you a basic idea of the mod that I am requesting one of you talented people create.


I really believe if this mod was done right and didn't conflict with other mods/have too many bugs and such it could end up being one of New Vegas Nexus' most downloaded mods.


Would be great for role playing, cap making and time wasting.


Hope you guys use the idea! Thanks for reading

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