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Should America re-invent it self?


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Let me explain how i come to this question 1st.


Due to yesterdays elections one journalist of my country reporting about the elections pointed out that the U.S. has to re-invent itself to come out of the crisis and the economical depression it is in.


In my opinion I can agree with this analysis. I wonder what the people of the United States think what needs to be changed. Because I know that opinions are different from person to person and from cultural background to cultural background it is easier to judge from afar than from in the middle of it and I wanted to know what measures should be taken and I'm curious of what the people of the United States think would be good to change.


I'd like to ask the people here on Nexus (especially the Americans who are directly involved). Can you agree or not? And what is in your opinion, exactly needed to change in the United States to get out of this crisis and the economical depression the country is in?


And may I ask you to what ever your opinion is please keep to the rules of Debates Forum and the Nexus, as well as to be polite if you don't agree with each other please.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Thank you so much Silver for posting this thread. It is an excellent one in my opinion.


I believe that when the current president was elected, this Country was in such a state of chaos we were desperate for change. He was seen, unfortunately in my opinion, as a Messiah by many. He is not, nor was he ever a Messiah. But he did want and still does want the best for his and our country.


Change does not happen overnight, and does not happen with the wave of a magic wand. It usually costs everyone a lot. And I'm not just talking about money. The fact that in the past four years many of us have not seen or received everything we have expected has caused many to become disenchanted and to grow frustrated not only with the president and his administration, but to some extent with the party in power.


So, not unexpectedly the elections yesterday put back into power some of the very people we took out of power four years ago. Well, that means we are back to "politics as usual". If we really want "change" in this country, we need to have more faith in ourselves and our ability to withstand the hardships that are necessary to go through what it takes to make us a stronger and more viable nation.


If we continue to argue among ourselves over which party is "right" and whether the conservatives or the liberals know best, we will continue to stand around and do pretty much nothing and obstruct one another as we have been for the past four years, and as we do politically just about all the time.


I guess, I for one, have become somewhat fed up with the whole process. I did have high hopes for this president, but my hopes depended on our nation having and using a little more common sense and faith in itself than apparently exists.

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The more I look, the more obvious it becomes that the current US government has become so corrupt and broken over the years that the only course of action we have left is to overthrow the governemt because the people wo are in office now are not the solution we need.


Personally, I would enjoy a bloodless coup. Lead a million person march on DC, catch Congress in session, and tell themthe following.


"Hi. We are the American people, remember us? We put you in office. Well, as a whole, we are rather dissitisfied with your performance. We are watching the upper class pull away and the middle class being absorbed by the lower class, thus we have become a country of "haves" and "have not"s. We have seen a new phenomenon in this country called "Workng Poor" who are living hand to mouth while you guys bail out multi-billion dollar corporations who fed you a line of BS by telling you "We're too big to fail - you need us around or the country will collapse". You know, banks and the like that when you call with a question you end up speaking to someone in India, the Phillipines, Peurto Rico, and other countries with lax labour laws that will permit you to pay the reps $5 a day while the CEOs make millions in bonuses. The same guys who give you millions in "campaign contributions" so you'll turn a blind eye to it - in fact the only difference between a congressman and a prostitue is that a congressman doesn't have to get undressed to screw you. So we've had enough - you're all fired! Outside are busses that will take you back to wherever you came from beause we are not only firing you - we are replacing you. So please form an orderly line on the way out, and thank you for your time; such as it was."


And if you think I am out of line, think on this:

"The purpose of a democracy is to serve the people, when democracy no longer serves the people it is their duty to cast it down and make it anew" - Thomas Jefferson

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There is never any such thing as a bloodless coup. And somehow I doubt that Thomas Jefferson was advocating sedition and mob rule. They tried that in France and Russia, and bloodless it most certainly was not. AND they ended up with dictators afterwards.


I think the problems experienced by Obama are caused precisely because many Americans believe he is trying to force them to re-invent themselves when they do not wish to do so. They perceive many of his reforms to be against everything that the Founding Fathers stood for, and have given him a bloody nose as a result. I also read a commentary somewhere that he is also perceived to be cold and arrogant (he certainly comes across that way to me) and not sympathetic to any except his favoured interest groups. Perhaps it is the President who needs to re-invent himself.

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There is never any such thing as a bloodless coup.

You can do it - it'd be tricky, but it could be done

And somehow I doubt that Thomas Jefferson was advocating sedition and mob rule..

He didn't, but he saw glaring flaws in democracy that nobody else did. He was an advocate for a strong central government whose primary concern was the well-being of the people it governed (this is why he felt the people should be able to scrap it and start over when it starts going bad).


As far as the president "re-inventing himself", he won't. We would have a better chance of getting our elected officials to agree to term limits and put an end to the whole "career politican" thing (and everyone know how likely that would be). Originally, one served as a politician out of a sense of "Civic Duty", nowadays it's big business.


The politicans will never change.

The special interest groups will never change.

Big bussiness will never change.


What will change?

The footprint they leave on the backside of the American people as they walk all over us.

And, no, I don't like it either Ginny.

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I am not American, and I can not, shall not tell Americans what to do. What I can tell Americans is what I see.

A great deal of the time I see "anti comercials" where one candidate tells how bad a lier the other candidate is. What I don´t see here is a programme of what kind of politics is goin to help America out of a huge unemployment, and enormous depts.

Then I see all candidates being run by a huge money machine, I.E. the more money, the greater the chance to win. However political talent IS still needed. Christine O’Donnell was a proof of that.

All we saw over here during the campaign, was powerfull speaches (even hate speaches) about the 2. amendment, Obamacare, sneaking socialism, and accusations about all kind of lies and failures.

Only a few times did I hear some constructive plans about how to get America back in a strong economy, and break the unimployment curve.


Now I get subjective: If I was living in this, I would be some kind of frustrated, because I would see my country having troubles, and at the same time fail to se the message within the political parties.

My 2 cents

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America has to change of course...


If anyone asked that didn't live in the USA, politics in the USA are not to help the people, most of the people running are funded by massive banks and corporations.


USA politics are just smear ads, lies, and mass media.



What we need before anything else is a way to stop lobbyists from buying our politicians... Then we can go from there...

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America has to change of course...


If anyone asked that didn't live in the USA, politics in the USA are not to help the people, most of the people running are funded by massive banks and corporations.


USA politics are just smear ads, lies, and mass media.



What we need before anything else is a way to stop lobbyists from buying our politicians... Then we can go from there...

You forgot that bit about party rhetoric and blocking things stubbornly out of a matter of course rather than trying to work for some mutually beneficial solution.

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Americans throughout my lifetime have seemingly believed they have reinvented themselves every election ,yet each new election the call to change and reinvent themselves according to a prevailing ideology is heard.Problem with America is that it has become a victim of its current invention and doesn't know how to turn it off.
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America has to change of course...


If anyone asked that didn't live in the USA, politics in the USA are not to help the people, most of the people running are funded by massive banks and corporations.


USA politics are just smear ads, lies, and mass media.



What we need before anything else is a way to stop lobbyists from buying our politicians... Then we can go from there...

You forgot that bit about party rhetoric and blocking things stubbornly out of a matter of course rather than trying to work for some mutually beneficial solution.

- See next to last paragraph in my post, above...



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