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I've been trying to make custom classes in the CS for weeks, and everything goes well until the freaking pictures...All the tutorials I've seen say i need the pictures to be uploaded from a folder that JUST DOES NOT EXIST! it says the pics need to be in the "\Textures\Menus\Level-up\class_creation\" folder. I've looked ALL OVER my oblivion folders, and it just isn't there! the game works fine, but the "menus" folder in textures doesn't have anything at all related to characters or classes! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please, this is just so infuriating.
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It sounds like you have not unpacked your textures from the BSA. If you do that, you will have those folders. But like ub3rman123 says, it does not really matter. You can create folders to use that directory structure and place your new texture in it.


Beware of your play-testing results. When you insert your new images for things like factions, they often do not show up and you will think you did it wrong. The images may not show up until you start a new character. So if things aren't working out, try testing with a brand-new character from after the change.

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