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DCLs Planned?


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Apologies if this question has been answered already, but does anyone know for sure if there will be any DLCs for New Vegas as there were for Fallout 3?


And if there are, give that NV uses Steam, does this mean that one would have to purchase them through Steam? I had big problems buying and loading content for FO3 through GFWL, and would be MORE than happy never to have to deal with it again . . . . .

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And if there are, give that NV uses Steam, does this mean that one would have to purchase them through Steam? I had big problems buying and loading content for FO3 through GFWL, and would be MORE than happy never to have to deal with it again . . . . .


You were still able to buy the Fallout 3 DLCs (except for Mothership Zeta) on CDs, they just took longer to come out than the downloadable versions. Hopefully that option will still exist for New Vegas, I hate Steam too.

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@ those still bewildered at why people hate steam.


You can't make everyone happy.


There are those that are just outright ungrateful for the decisions that game developers make...for the most part.


Valid complaining about design choices are those that are out of the norm or logic, like the past Starcraft 2 battle.net only choice (Psuedo-LAN), Moderm Warfare 2's choice of not using servers (lag potential) for the PC version, or Dawn Of War II's obnoxious descision to use GFWL and Steam at the same time (Pointless use of services), though I have heard the next upcoming expansion of the DOWII, Retribution game will kick GFWL in the head in favor for Steam Matchmaking. See, the latter is the strongest example because it was ridiculous to have another online service just to make the game work. Point is, that was the developer's choice (Relic Entertainment), NOT VALVE'S, for the mistake.


The only acceptable complaint so far with New Vegas was the save game fiasco, but that was fixed, and anyone expecting a game to be glitch-free haven't grown up to face reality of games glitches, there will always be glitches, whatsoever.


The only people that should be disappointed are those that didn't find the game fun, had no internet connection, or those that had horrible experience with steam, i repeat, horrible.


It does not mean slow downs, hardware issues etc. They are on the main computer's end. The other thing that doesn't count is knowing last minute that it relied on Steam, because the information that a game offers and the requirements that are explained are all on the box in a retail store, and if you're net savvy, a quick look on its requirements on the net are enough. If the online store doesn't specify properly, then it's the one responsible for the website to take the blame. If the retail box also doesn't provide, then it's the Game Publisher's fault.


Not checking either when the information is available and then complaining about it afterwards is a sign of ignorance, as well as judging a book by its cover.

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The Half Life 2 fiasco done a lot of damage to Steam, those who have little experience of todays Steam will still be a little wary of it.


That's true, I guess, but considering people can just download it and Alien Swarm for free, I can't see why they wouldn't try it before QQing.

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The only people that should be disappointed are those that didn't find the game fun, had no internet connection, or those that had horrible experience with steam, i repeat, horrible.




Or those of us who took two years to get their internet connection and have vivid recollections of tramping through the snow to the cyber-cafe with their laptop just to down mods from this forum could have grave reservations about steam.

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