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A different book request


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Hello, I'm new to skyrim modding and I had a request for something that I have yet to see.


It's obvious that adding books with player created content is easy, but I havent seen any mod specifically to make that book very easily editable outside of game. (This might be trivial, but no modding experience yet)


The purpose here is to remind myself of any mod specific locations, like some books I need to pick up in order to craft armor sets, where some added followers are located, etc.


I feel like this should be very easy, but I don't know how to go about it yet.


Thanks guys.

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I meant to edit the text of a book outside game, and only read the test in game.

Actually I think I found a solution, if a somewhat buggy one.



THis just makes it a ton easier to go find all of those mod added followers, mostly because theres like 20 of them at this point and I can't remember all their starting locations well.

Edited by the8one
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