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It's oh so quiet.....


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With voice activation, it may be closer than you think... We already have the ability to pick up verbal commands and have a computer execute them almost instantly... A system in which it identifies key words in a particular order could be used to pick out the meaning of a sentence and allocate it to a selectable response...


For instance, if your options are 'Where?' And 'Goodbye'... you could say 'Can you tell me where they are?' And the ystem should be able to recognise which option it is without needing you to specifically say only the command word.

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Yeah that's something that has always botherd me about TES games...everything is so scaled down that it's at the point where it's almost immersion breaking. I would love to see a huge continent with realistically scaled cities and wilds but that is just impossible with current technology. Even considering the fact that most people's PCs wouldn't be able to handle that sort of game.


Maybe Bethesda should ditch the whole "massive open world" gig and focus on more compact game settings allowing for much less diluted content.


EDIT: Regarding LoneWolf's in-universe comment.

Edited by VolkiharFiend
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I think their problem is the massive number of quests they include in each game.


Fewer quests and more focus on making better ones instead.


More freeform quests, In my opinion these are a must for the immersion .


Away with all these visit this and visit that, I want to discover these for myself.


And most impotant, A fully implemented voice recognition system,On with your Head set and just yell FUS ROOH DAHHHHH!!!! so that all your neighbours now know youre playing Skyrim again. No Shout menu just shout away :laugh:



No seriously you could actually do this with simple commands in the game,And it would be a hell of a laugh.

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And most impotant, A fully implemented voice recognition system,On with your Head set and just yell FUS ROOH DAHHHHH!!!! so that all your neighbours now know youre playing Skyrim again. No Shout menu just shout away

Didn't the xbox version try to do that with kinect? I thought I heard that somewhere.


I'm firmly in the, I would rather select a dialogue option than have the game speak for me camp. It will be cool when the games can get to the point where you can actually speak to the NPC's instead of going with the options programmed into the game; I'm guessing that's a few years off yet.


Yeah that's something that has always botherd me about TES games...everything is so scaled down that it's at the point where it's almost immersion breaking. I would love to see a huge continent with realistically scaled cities and wilds but that is just impossible with current technology. Even considering the fact that most people's PCs wouldn't be able to handle that sort of game.


Maybe Bethesda should ditch the whole "massive open world" gig and focus on more compact game settings allowing for much less diluted content.



I think it will get there, having a full-scale world AND lots of quests; as you said, we just need better computers first. In the mean time, I'd prefer the model we have now: scaled-down world and more stuff to do. If there is one thing I hate, it's spending $50 on a game and blowing through it in 20 hours because there isn't enough to do.

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