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Problem with Tails


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Okay, I've been using the CS a ton lately and I love it, but whenever I place an Argonian or Khajiit in the game, like a bandit in a dungeon or anything like that, their tails just go nuts! They turn into just this... big... blur! It shoots all over the region, it blocks vision, the body is fine, but the tail is just this wild mess of static. I don't even really know how to describe it. Any tips at all? Very much appreciated!
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Likely skeleton problem. vanilla beast skeleton nif file has tail bone, but somehow it looks like the skeleton is replaces with human ones. You'll have to delete replacement one(not skeleton.nif, it's for tail-less races) , or install so-called 'maximum compatibility skeletons'.
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This bug can occur if you change the race of an NPC in your modding. Khajiits and Argonians using a humanoid rather than a beastfolk skeleton exhibit this bug. If you want a Khajiit or Argonian in your mod, you should copy and edit a Khajiit or Argonian. If you want an NPC that is not of a beast race, then copy and edit an NPC who is not of a beast race. Otherwise you can click on the box and change the skeleton from Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF to Characters\_Male\SkeletonBeast.NIF or vice versa depending on what you need to do. (There are no female skeletons. Both genders use the misnamed male skeleton.)
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