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Oblivion Character Overhaul V2 Not Taking Effect


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If you decide to go Roberts Male there is Khajiit Male Body for Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2. Nothing for the HGEC females but depending on the order you install the male and female replacers you may not need any fixing.

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They each have different racial abilities and stats. A lot of Nuska's faces look very similar to one another, but I always found that to be the case with the vanilla faces as well. Takes a lot of work on the sliders to create a unique face, whether in character creation or the Construction Set.

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As both races use exactly the same texture files they will be very similar looking.


A note about what not to do while creating your character's face. If you even think about touching the tone slider you will be plagued by the dreaded neckseam. Best advice is first hit the reset face button and then use the complexion slider but not the tone slider.


It doesn't help that the lighting in the prison cell isn't representative of what you'll see once in the great outdoors. Personally I created my character's face in the Construction Set and then used Wrye Bash to transfer it to my guy, but I still have a neckseam. Wanted a unique Dark Elf and got one that doesn't look that much different from many others I run into in the game.

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