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Oblivion Character Overhaul V2 Not Taking Effect


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Hey, GamerGuy!


Sorry, no, I did not see your last edit.


So, now OCO works but not Blockhead, since you got the "Install Blockhead".


If Blockhead (that is, the blockhead.dll file) is placed in the CORRECT folder (Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins), and still does not work, then it's OBSE who is not working.


MInd to tell me how are you so sure your OBSE is working fine? That would help us to pinpoint the source of your issue.



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Because I'm assuming that OCO doesn't work without OBSE, and the mod was working perfectly when I originally installed it via NMM.


For some reason, I found the .ini for blockhead in the data folder instead of the plugin folder, so I moved it. Now, my faces are looking like a 50/50 mix between vanilla and OCO faces (they mostly retain their vanilla qualities).

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Whew, you found the source or your issue then! What a relief.


Overwritten files are normal, and the way most of patches (if not all) work, In fact, you cannot install a mod without overwriting something.


Be sure that everything is fine now with your OCO. I bet my socks that you have the famous Khajiit Bug.


Which Body Replacer are you using, if any?



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Right out of the box OCO v2 will work fine with the vanilla bodies. If you aren't into playing dressup then the vanilla clothes will work just fine with the vanilla flavour of OCO v2. If you are more like many here you'll eventually need to look at a body replacer as there aren't very many new clothes or armor released for the vanilla body, especially nothing recent.


For females HGEC is the most widely supported, but Ike will steer you towards Roberts Female. For males there really is only one choice ... Roberts Male.

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Hey, Gamer!


You don't need a body replacer, in fact, not having a body replacer will make your life easier. Nuska's body textures for the vanilla bodies are fairly flawless and if you're satisfied with them, stay this way.


Body replacers are a matter of personal taste. I personally prefer both Robert Male and Female ones, as Striker says. Well, I discovered that the EBE HGEC body suits more my Abysmers than Roberts... if only the buoys were a little bit more... hydrodinamical... but for general purpose, Robert Female is still my blindfolded choice.


Anyhow, you really don't need a body replacer. And you save yourself from the Khajiit Bug.


The Khajiit Bug is the fact that vanilla Khajiits use only ONE texture for both males and females, so when a body replacer is installed, it needs an esp to redirect the new textures to the proper bodies. This makes OCO go nuts and do weird things to female Khajiits depending on the Body installed.


Do not hesitate to post here any question, doubt or need you found regarding all or this.



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