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PvP-like mod - NPC Adventurers random spawns


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I've got an idea for a mod. We have so many great survival mods out there but what I'm really missing is some DayZ style PvP. Ofcourse, Skyrim is a single player game, so we can't have real PvP, but I was wondering if there would be any way to implement random encounters to spawn other adventurers. I know that there is The Way of Dovahkiin, the mod that adds random encounters. This mod is great however it's a bit heavy and adds way too much for my liking. But maybe you have an idea how to set it up to get this PvP idea up and running?


The mod should spawn adventurers but not too much of them. The spawns should be more often inside caves and dungeons, but some spawns in the wilds would be welcomed too. Adventurers should be as real as possible - they should be of playable races and have unique names (maybe taken from some premade list?). They should have high HP and some unique spells and loot to make them, well, unique :wink: Fights should be long and exhausting - you should feel like you were really attacked by some other adventurer, not a wimpy bandit. Most of all, you should be surprised.


The Way of Dovahkiin have already some nice options to make that happen - AFAIK there is a sleeping encounter module that adds a chance of being attacked while sleeping, which is great for survival oriented gameplay. But other options are a bit of an overkill and are more oriented about making game more "PvE" oriented, while essentialy I would rather use PvE mechanics (random spawns) to imitate PvP gameplay like in DayZ or other survival games. So less spawns but with much more stronger (and single) enemies.


More advanced functions could be related to adventurer's attitude towards you as a player. There could be 3 presets - friendly, enemy and traitor. Friendly and traitor could join you as temporary followers to help you along the way (for 5 or 10 minutes?) and later on they could either reward you with something for your help (friendly) or turn against you and try to kill you (traitor).

Edited by kazuyuki
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Ah, I didn't know about that one but still far from being called multiplayer and not really a point of this topic :smile: Still, quite nice achievement, I wonder if we will ever see a real multiplayer mod for Skyrim.

probably not, just felt like sharing it

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