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Game Freezings require to sign out of 8.1 account


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ok so i've had this issue for a while now

ever since i started using windows 8.1 acutally

so ok, whenever my game decides it wants to give me the finger and freeze on loading a new area, i can't close it via task manager

i literally have to sign out of my 8.1 account then sign back in to close the damn game

while granted it's only a few seconds i have to waste, but every 15 or whatever minutes? why should i have to do that?

i have no way of figuring out how to solve this issue (trust me i've googled the issue but to no avail)

yes my game is modded btw

yes i know the engine sucks

but for real. does ANYONE have this issue while using windows 8.1?

cause this is extremely annoying

cause i have to reopen everything EVERY SINGLE TIME (by everything i mean, browser, any programs that don't launch with windows, etc)

come to think of it. it only freezes on loading something

if i'm not at a load screen it'll simply CTD which while annoying, it's far easier to re launch the game and i also get to keep my stuff open

my system can run ANYTHING so i know that's not the issue


HELP PLEASE i'm ready to tear out my hair D: lol


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OK! time for me to feel stupid...

you sir are so right...

i totally didn't realize that even though the game overlapped everything i could still close the game >.< via task manager...

sometimes i over think things and forget to simplify them lol

oh well i guess my issue is solved :D


Edited by WrathofOmega666
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