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An idea


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Has anyone tried modding the constyruction set? I can think of a few minor alterations that would increase my working efficiency, and that of others presumably.


1. It would be nice to have the ability to save 'object groups' for later use. Things like a dining table with plates, cutlery and food already laid out. A full room layout to be copied to several other places. I know this is possible now, but its awkward. If you 'copy render' the copy is lost when you copy anything else


2. The ability to make our own object categories. I'd like to be able to group all the different tapestries in one place instead of having them mixed up with the rest of the 'clutter' objects. It would also be nice to make a 'Spooky Stuff' category, into which various oblivion furnitures, and things like skulls on poles and chared bodies would go.


3. The ability to add a description to objects. There are many obscure ojects which have uninformative names, it would be nice to stick a few words to them to remind me what they look like.


4. A category of 'Recently used objects' which would list the last 100 or so objects that you placed so that you can get them again easily.


5. A 'push' command in the render window, which would work similar to pressing f, but would move the object away from the camera until it hits something solid.


6. A 'patrol' AI package type, where you would simply designate start point and wayoints. I'm sick of using multiple travel packages and altering the getdistance condition to make a patrol


7. When multiple objects are selected, the ability to drop[ them to the floor as a whole, Currntly, if you try to drop a bookshelf full of books, the books end up embedded in the wood and have to be manually fixed.


Well, that's all I can think of for now. Would it be possible to alter the CS to include some or all of those features?




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@ Question #3:

Just put the .nifs in another folder. The sword Data\Meshes\Bobby\mynif.nif

would show up as Items>Weapons>Bobby>*Your In-game name here*.


If you used the same model for clothing, it would show up as Items>Clothing>Bobby>*Your name* (Or something like it)

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I doubt all those things will be possible. But hey, so did people think of retexturing when the game shipped....


3: I don't really understand what you mean with this one.


6: I think this should be possible somehow. Don't ask me, I've yet to start playing with A.I. ;)


7:If you select all those items, instead of pressing F, why not hold Z and drag it down with the mouse? This way you can do it as a whole, you just have to see when you reach the floor.


I don't know how far you could alter the CS either... For now only a few lousy .ini tweaks, which don't make much difference.


I don't need any new functions or things myself. Just one, reasonable thing. Less crashes! Did Bethesda really have that much crashes when they created the game too? I can't imagine.... I'd really like an official or unofficial patch for the CS....

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I would LOVE most of those suggestions you make. However I seriously doubt anyone outside of Bethesda can impliment most if not all of these. We were told that there would be updates to the editor, but it's still the same buggy version that came out before Oblivion did! Oh well, we just have to work with what we have.
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About number 6. I've found 2 ways that work reasonably well.


The first is combining Onpackagedone and addscriptpackage. When they reach a point, they have the travel package to the next point assigned. The problem with this is that since the travel packages are temporary, if they're attacked, talked to, or for any reason re-evaluate their package, the current package will be lost, and they use the best perminant package they have. This worls best if you have to use copies of the same actor in multiple places.


The second would be giving them the whole string of packages, similar to above, and giving them a faction to contol which point they walk to. This one doesn't have the same problem of the NPC losing track of where they're supposed to go, but only works if the base actor is unique (seperate form ID).


A third, untested option would be to use a single travel package with a marker as a location. Then based on whatever conditions, just move the marker, and the NPC will follow once they evaluate their package again. The nice thing about this is that you don't have to attach the script controling this to the actor, you could just use an activator with a "getdist" to move the marker, then itself to a new location. The tricky part is making the NPC evaluate their package and notice the new position of their marker. But, this too could be useful as it would allow them to pause in a specific spot for a period of time before moving on.


You might also want to see how the guards at cloudruler temple are setup as I think they have a different patrol method.



For #1, (yes, I'm doing these out of order) try using duplicate, then copy render. I believe duplicate allows multiple things to be copied at once. But being able to lock objects within a certain group would certainly be useful. It's occasionally a pain in the ass to select everything on a shelf without getting other stuff by accident.


3 and 4 would both be kinda nice as it would cut down on all the ghost references (things placed in a cell, that are deleted, but are still recorded as being placed) since you would know what the hell some of the things are.


But, 1, 3, and 4 wouldn't be possible from a moding standpoint. Bethsoft would have to add them as part of an updated CS, this is mostly due to all the legal stuff involved with changing their software.

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