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I'm on the Mythic Dawn mission with Baurus to go to the Myhtic Dawn meeting. We enter the Elven Garden District sewers. Once we get to the next door, it continues opens and closes and there is nothing but water behind it. It's a load door but it doesn't allow me to click on it to move to the next area. I can go through the door and swim to other areas of the current area but can't access them as I am outside of the walls. I've tried teleporting Baurus to me using player.placeatme and his id, but it's not working. Please help.
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well, it is probably a mod that is causing this (either you made it, or someone else did)

try checking if any mod you have is causing the problem


also, have you tried a coc command?? it is basically teleporting you to another cell, so try finding the command to get beyond the door, and then get Baurus to you (placeatme should work)

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Firstly, you may have a mod that has altered the Imperial sewers. Secondly, if you have used the placeatme command for an essential quest NPC your game is almost certainly messed up -- you should avoid the placeatme command like the plague, because beyond messing up quests, it will cause game save bloating. You should have used moveto player.
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Ok. Thank both of you. I've disabled all mods and it still doesn't work.

Also, that was the first time I'd ever used the placeatme command and didn't save afterwards so I hope it didn't screw up my game. I'm just going to use the command to progress through the quest.

Thank you again.

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