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You Can't Go Out There Without a Name...

Rhydderch Hael

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Did anyone here play Fable? Because in that you could buy titles from a specialist vendor, or recieve titles through doing deeds, for example; sacrificing a whole village to Skorm, an evil deity, will give you the title Necromancer, wheras donating millions to the temple of Avo (a good deity) will grant you the title of Paladin. Oblivion could have had that system, and the consequences would have been hilarious: "Who could be brave enough to challenge the Gray Prince? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: Arseface!" And the NPCs could be, whenever they see you, saying "Cor! Look at Arseface" (or Piemaster, amongst others, depending on titular preference).
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Personally, I use "The Crimson Blade" because I find it a fitting complement to my style of dress.


I only draw my blade when I am about to kill, and because I wear no crimson, the only ones who would see the crimson would be those who are about to die.


Morituri te salutamus!
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